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WMBD Press Release (Selection of Scientific Resources & Quotes)


“The ecological effects of a changing climate will have significant consequences for the conservation of migratory waterbirds. As they undertake their annual migrations, these birds use sites in many countries. Changes to any of these may jeopardise their ability to complete their migration. The implications of climate change on waterbirds needs urgent attention.” stated David Stroud a Senior Ornithologist at the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

or more information please see: Boere, G.C., Galbraith, C., Stroud, D. (2004): Waterbirds Around the World.


“Arctic migratory birds are hit by climate change twice, on the flyway stop over sites and by changing conditions in the Arctic breeding grounds!” said Dr. Christoph Zoeckler, an expert on Arctic biodiversity, migratory waterbirds and climate change at the UNEP World Conservation and Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

For more information please see: Zöckler, Christoph / Lysenko, Igor: Water birds on the edge: Impact assessment of Climate Change on Arctic-breeding water birds. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom.


“Clearly, the possible long term effects of climate change on migratory birds can only be solved if there is close cooperation on the level of the whole flyway and good cooperation between countries”, said Dr. Gerard C. Boere, an expert in international waterbird conservationpolicy and the author of several studies on the subject.

For more information please see: Boere (2004), Gerard C. / Taylor, Douglas: Global and regional governmental policy and treaties as tools towards the mitigation of the effect of climate change on waterbirds. Wetlands International.