Home Related Links Resources for Children: Biodiversity and Birds
Resources for Children: Biodiversity and Birds
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Migration Science and Mystery: A distance learning adventure
Take a flight alongside migrating shorebirds from Panama to Alaska! Your students will learn on this distance learning adventure about the mystery of bird migration.
2   Link   RSPB – Once extinct, you can only imagine
This page was created to introduce the albatross to children and to explain the plight this bird is facing. This page features a ‘supporter’s register’ aiming to collect 100.000 names, one for each albatross killed each year.
3   Link   Smithsonian National Zoological Park Migratory Bird Center: Teachers and students
This site provides materials for the classromm and online games and activities. Use migratory birds as a theme to enhance environmental and cultural awareness - help Wanda the Wood Thrush travel across the Americas.
4   Link   Spring Alive
Spring Alive is an activity for children all over Europe. Taking part in Spring Alive is very easy. Get to know the four bird species that have been chosen to welcome spring. Go outside, look for the birds and enter your sightings on the website.
5   Link   BirdWatch Ireland
This site provides information about birds in general as well as about bird migration.
6   Link   TUNZA for children (UNEP Programme)
Tunza is a word in Kiswahili that means "treat with care". The programme wants to show young people how to treat our environment with care and to act for a better world.
7   Link   WWF
LoLo's flying journey - an education for sustainable development primary school education pack. In the main game of the pack, participants will act as a Black-faced Spoonbill to experience the challenging migration journey with LoLo.