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Impact of communication towers and masts
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Change Of Lighting Could Drastically Reduce Bird Death By Collision With Communication Towers
Press article describing the results of a study on how a simple alteration of the lighting scheme on communication towers may reduce bird mortality due to collision by as much as 71 percent.
2   Link   ‘Height, Guy Wires, and Steady Burning-lights Increase Hazard of Communication Towers to Nocturnal Migrants’
A Scientific publication by T. Longcore, C. Rich, S. Gauthreaux on the impacts of towers and masts on nocturnal migratory birds.
3   Link   American Bird Conservancy. ‘Communication Towers: A deadly Hazard to Birds’
Reports the impact of communication towers on birds across the US.
4   Link   Old Bird Inc.: Towerkill.com
The site contains information on tower bird strikes and a detailed map of communication towers in the USA and Canada.