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World Migratory Bird Day 2014 - News Coverage (online media)


Title: Asian migratory bird sanctuaries may soar as new eco-tourism haven
Source & Date: Eco-business, 16/05
Link: http://www.eco-business.com/news/asian-migratory-bird-sanctuaries-may-soar-new-ecotourism-haven/

Title: World Migratory bird day observed across the world
Source & Date: No1. Indian education website
Link: http://www.jagranjosh.com/current-affairs/world-migratory-bird-day-observed-across-the-world-1400153159-1

Title: 60 Million American Birdwatchers Chase Ever-Shrinking Quarry
Source & Date: Livescience, 10/05
Link: http://www.livescience.com/45514-bird-numbers-plummet-but-birdwatching-popular.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2014 spotlights pioneering sustainable tourism initiative
Source & Date: Global Travel industry news, 09/05
Link: http://www.eturbonews.com/45591/world-migratory-bird-day-2014-spotlights-pioneering-sustainable-

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2014 spotlights pioneering sustainable tourism initiative
Source & Date: Birdlife International, 09/05
Link: http://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/news/world-migratory-bird-day-2014-spotlights-pioneering-sustainable-tourism-initiative

Title: On Migratory Bird Day, UN taps tourists to help protect world's original long-distance travellers
Source & Date: UN news center, 10/05
Link: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=47767#.U3nXNSjN0aF

Title: UNWTO/AEWA/CMS: World Migratory Bird Day 2014 Spotlights Pioneering Sustainable Tourism Initiative
Source & Date: Bonnsustainability, 09/05
Link: http://bonnsustainabilityportal.de/?p=33179

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2014 spotlights pioneering sustainable tourism initiative
Source & Date: Travel daily news 12/05
Link: http://www.traveldailynews.com/news/article/60395/world-migratory-bird-day-2014

Title: Call to protect migratory birds for healthy ecosystem
Source & Date: The Finacial Express 11/05
Link: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2014/05/11/33435

Title: 'Ensure Protection of Migratory Birds in Wetlands'
Source & Date: Indian Express, 13/05
Link: http://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/Ensure-Protection-of-Migratory-Birds-in-Wetlands/2014/05/13/article2221541.ece

Title: The cutting edge of conservation
Source & Date: Bangkok Poat, 13/05
Link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/409481/the-cutting-edge-of-conservation

Title: DPRK Pays Big Efforts to Protection of Migratory Birds
Source & Date:  KOREA NEWS SERVICE, 12/05
Link: http://www.kcna.co.jp/item/2014/201405/news12/20140512-19ee.html


Title: Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias destaca iniciativa de turismo sostenible
Source & Date: Radio ONU 09/05
Link: http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/spanish/2014/05/dia-mundial-de-las-aves-migratorias-destaca-iniciativa-de-turismo-sostenible/index.html#.U4WT1suKD5p

Title: 10 y 11 de mayo: Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias
Source & Date: noticiasiruya.com May 12, 2014
Link: http://noticias.iruya.com/newnex/economia/medioambiente/14013-10-y-11-de-mayo-dia-mundial-de-las-aves-migratorias.html 

Title: Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2014 destaca iniciativa de la OMT
Source & Date: Caribbean News Digital, May 12, 2014
Link: http://www.caribbeannewsdigital.com/noticia/dia-mundial-de-las-aves-migratorias-2014-destaca-iniciativa-de-la-omt

Title: Día de las aves Migratorias… Especies en peligro de extinción
Source & Date: LeSoleil Online May 12, 2014
Link: http://www.lesoleil.sn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39387%3Azones-humides--la-conservation-des-oiseaux-peut-booster-le-tourisme-au-senegal&catid=241%3Aregions&Itemid=119

Title: Fundación Migres celebra este sábado el Día de las Aves Migratorias, el 15% de las cuales está en riesgo de extinción

Source & Date: 20minutos.es, 10/05
Link: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2135055/0/

Title: Día del Ave migratoria: Los Cabos con más de 400 especies nativas y migratorias
Source & Date: Noticias Cabovisión, 10/05
Link: cabovision.tv/-/noticias-hidden/13985-d%C3%ADa-del-ave-migratoria-los-cabos-con-m%C3%A1s-de-400-especies-nativas-y-migratorias.html

Title: Una iniciativa de turismo puede ayudar a proteger las aves migratorias
Source & Date: elmercuriodigital.es, 10/05
Link: http://www.elmercuriodigital.net/2014/05/una-iniciativa-de-turismo-puede-ayudar.html#.U3xygyi5D5M

Title: La onu fomenta ocho destinos turísticos de rutas migratorias de aves
Source & Date: elEconomista.es, 10/05
Link: http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/sociedad/noticias/5768789/05/14/La-onu-fomenta-ocho-destinos-turisticos-de-rutas-migratorias-de-aves.html#.Kku82ZK0xvZSwqk

Title: El turismo sostenible puede ayudar la protección y supervivencia de las aves migratorias
Source & Date: InformariaDigital, 10/05
Link: http://informaria.com/10052014/el-turismo-sostenible-puede-ayudar-la-proteccion-y-supervivencia-de-las-aves-migratorias/


Title: Zones humides : La conservation des oiseaux peut booster le tourisme au Sénégal
Source & Date: LeSoleil Online May 12, 2014
Link: http://www.lesoleil.sn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39387%3Azones-humides--la-conservation-des-oiseaux-peut-booster-le-tourisme-au-senegal&catid=241%3Aregions&Itemid=119

Title: Zones humides : La conservation des oiseaux peut booster le tourisme au Sénégal
Source & Date: http://conexiontotal.mx/ May 12, 2014
Link: http://conexiontotal.mx/2014/05/10/420490aves-migratorias-humedales-tamaulipas/



Title: "التعليم البيئي" يدعو لاعتماد عصفور الشمس الفلسطيني طائرًا وطنيًا
Source & Date: وطن للأنباء, 10/05
Link: http://www.wattan.tv/ar/news/92921.html





Title: Internationale Chöre singen für Zugvögel: Konzert in der kreuzkirche für bedrohte Arten zum UN-Weltzugvogeltag
Source & Date: Bonn Gerneral-Anzeiger, 13/05
Link: http://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/2014/upload/reports/897347_press%20article%20General%20Anzeiger%2013%20May.pdf


Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Pioneering sustainable wiildlife watching tourism
Source & Date: Wangyi finance, 12/05
Link: http://money.163.com/14/0512/11/9S1S0KJ800253B0H.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Pioneering sustainable wird watching tourism 
Source & Date: Xinhua Net, 12/05
Link: http://news.xinhuanet.com/energy/2014-05/12/c_1110643482.htm

Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Pioneering sustainable wird watching tourism 
Source & Date: www.cenews.com.cn, 12/05
Link: http://www.cenews.com.cn/xwzx2013/word/201405/t20140512_773974.html

Title: Xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden inChinese academy of sciences celebrates WMBD
Source & Date: Xinshuangbanan tropical garden, 12/05
Link: http://www.xtbg.ac.cn/xwzx/kpbd/201405/t20140512_4117982.html

Title: Bu shi celebrates WMBD
Source & Date: Dongbei Net, 09/05
Link: http://heihe.dbw.cn/system/2014/05/07/055705618.shtml

Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Making home for birds 
Source & Date: Jiangsu TV, 10/05
Link: http://www.jstv.com/c/gg/xwkjz/201405/t20140510_2865248.shtml

Title: 2014 World Migratory Bird Day: Destination Flyways. Migratory Birds and tourism
Source & Date: greeni.cn, 09/04
Link: http://www.greeni.cn/html/article/article-3020.html

Title: 賞鳥兼做候鳥保育 聯合國全球8地推生態旅遊
Source & Date: 雅虎, 15/05
Link: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/


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