Contribute to the WMBD website! |
The WMBD website is the information center of the global WMBD campaign. We see it as our central hub for information dissemination and as a vehicle through which we can try to reach out to bird enthusiats and interested people around the world. Our goal is to use the modern technologies and growing infrastructure of the World Wide Web to reach out globally and to help stimulate knowledge of, and international participation in WMBD. As it currently stands, you can use the WMBD website to register WMBD events and to browse through those which have already been registered in different countries and continents around the world. You can use the website to learn more about WMBD, to download WMBD information materials and to read up on latest WMBD news. However, with your help the WMBD website can become much much more. A COMMUNITY. Our long-term vision is to use this website to build a WMBD community. The idea is to try to provide a communication space which allows a high degree of interaction amongst WMBD participants and to make it a tool through which local WMBD events can be highlighted, discussed and shared with others in the world. As you will see in the "WMBD Community" section - we have already begun to build the infrastructure for such a future World Migratory Bird Day Community. The totally revamped WMBD 2007 website now has the tools in place which will help promote interaction and communication between participants. It includes new interactive features such as a designated WMBD Forum and a WMBD Photo Gallery where you can upload pictures of your events, or other relevant photos. It also includes a feature through which you can suggest a relavant link for the links section on the main WMBD website. However, these exciting new features are only useful if they are being used. A Community consists of dedicated people, motivated and inspired by a common interest or cause! Thats why we turn to you. We hope that the collective WMBD energy and committment we witnessed in 2006 will carry on into 2007 and far beyond. Help us make WMBD into a sustainable, thriving global initiative - take part in it! So if you are interested in contributing - please register yourself and become part of the WMBD Community and help us continually improve this website to help spread the news about WMBD around the world! The WMBD Community "to do" list: We are only at the very beginning and we have many ideas as to how we can continuosly improve this resource. Here is a list of ideas for which we would like to turn to the future WMBD Community for help. Language WMBD Translation Project: WMBD in more languages! We currently only have the financial and human capacity to offer our texts in English (with a few exceptions). Our software has the capability to offer our texts in several languages, so if you think you can help translate parts of it into your own language please let us know . Send us your feedback on our content Give your feedback on our texts - help us improve them! We are not the experts and have to produce our texts parrallel to many other ongoing duties. If you have ideas on how we can improve our texts (both in terms of language and conten) please write to us . Register your event The most important feature for us on this website is the tool through which you can register your event. It allows you to give your WMBD event global presence. Only through registering your activity - will it be linked and visible to the global WMBD Community! Participate in the WMBD Forum The WMBD Forum is a space for communication. Please use it and suggest FORUM Topics to us which you think will further stimulate exchange and communication within the community! Upload photos from your events & describe them Resources and campaigns like this need photos to work with. Through uploading relevant and interesting photos - you will help to highlight your own events! Use the feature to help make your events come alive for others to see. Share your WMBD related photos, drawings and comics with the WMBD Community. Use the feature to display and promote your own artwork! Make the WMBD Gallery colorful and interesting for others in the Community Anything else? Now its your turn to suggest ways you would like to help us.