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World Migratory Bird Day 2010


Title: Le PNUE s'inquiète de la menace d'extinction de certains oiseaux migrateurs
Source: UN news center
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=21881&Cr=biodiversit%C3%A9&Cr1=

Title: UN-backed events to celebrate bird migration and highlight conservation
Source: UN news center
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=34628&Cr=&Cr1=

Title: UN-backed events to celebrate bird migration and highlight conservation
Source: UN Daily News (issue DH/5646)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/news/dh/pdf/english/2010/07052010.pdf


Title: A Weekend of Celebration and Action for Migratory Birds
Source: United Nations Environment Programme
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=624&ArticleID=6552&l=en&t=long

BirdLife International

Title: Migratory birds in crisis
Source: Bird Life
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.birdlife.org/news/news/2010/05/Migratory-birds-in-crisis.html

Title: Svetový den stehovavých ptáku
Source: Ceská spolecnost ornitologická - BirdLife Partner
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.birdlife.cz/index.php?ID=1963

Wetlands International

Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Save migratory birds in crisis – every species counts!
Source: Wetlands International
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.wetlands.org/NewsandEvents/NewsPressreleases/tabid/60/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2227/Default.aspx

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 - Save Migratory Birds in Crisis
Source: Wetlands International
Date Published: not indicated
Link: http://wetlands.org/NewsandEvents/CalendarofEvents/WorldMigratoryBirdDay201089May2010/tabid/2218/Default.aspx

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Title: Message from the Ramsar Convention Secretariat on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day, 8-9 May 2010
Source: Ramsar
Date Published: 7 May 2010


Title: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the Occasion of World Migratory Bird Day 2010
Source: Convention on Biological Diversity
Date Published: not indicated
Link: http://www.cbd.int/doc/speech/2010/sp-2010-05-08-birdday-en.pdf


Title: Message from the Ramsar Convention Secretariat on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day, 8-9 May 2010
Source: Ramsar
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-latest-message-migratory-birds/main/ramsar/1-26-76%5E24604_4000_0__

Title: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the Occasion of World Migratory Bird Day 2010
Source: Convention on Biological Diversity
Date Published: not indicated
Link: http://www.cbd.int/doc/speech/2010/sp-2010-05-08-birdday-en.pdf

Title: Migratory birds in crisis
Source: Bird Life
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.birdlife.org/news/news/2010/05/Migratory-birds-in-crisis.html

Title: Birds under threat of extinction
Source: Business Ghana
Date Published: 10 May 2010
Link: http://www.businessghana.com/portal/news/index.php?op=getNews&news_cat_id=1&id=126864

Title: World Migratory Bird Day: Save migratory birds in crisis – every species counts!
Source: Wetlands International
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.wetlands.org/NewsandEvents/NewsPressreleases/tabid/60/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2227/Default.aspx

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 - Save Migratory Birds in Crisis
Source: Wetlands International
Date Published: not indicated
Link: http://wetlands.org/NewsandEvents/CalendarofEvents/WorldMigratoryBirdDay201089May2010/tabid/2218/Default.aspx

Title: Birds under threat of extinction
Source: Ghana Web
Date Published: 10 May 2010
Link: http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel.php?ID=181717

Title: Birds under threat of extinction
Source: My Joy Online (Source: Ghana News)
Date Published: 10 May 2010
Link: http://news.myjoyonline.com/news/201005/45897.asp

Title: UN-backed events to celebrate bird migration and highlight conservation
Source: Webnewswire
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.webnewswire.com/node/532118

Title: Dubai to observe World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Khaleej Times Online
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle08.asp?xfile=data/theuae/2010/May/theuae_May225.xml§ion=theuae

Title: What's to celebrate on World Migratory Bird Day?
Source: Rand Barbet Bird Club - A Johannesburg based bird club
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://safrican.net/Barbet/?p=58

Title: World Migatory Bird Day
Source: Rand Barbet Bird Club - A Johannesburg based bird club
Date Published: May 2010
Link: http://safrican.net/Barbet/?page_id=59

Title: A winged tsunami
Source: Vancouver Sun
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.vancouversun.com/story_print.html?id=3002146

Title: (delhibirdpix) Fwd: Sultanpur today - 09 May 10
Source: Google groups
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix/browse_thread/thread/813cf8915ed904da

Title: Migratory birds and Mangroves at Sungei Buloh
Source: Wild Shores of Singapore
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://wildshores.blogspot.com/2010/05/migratory-birds-and-mangroves-at-sungei.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Water Rhapsody - re:thinking water (Saving Water (SA))
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.savingwater.co.za/2010/05/08/11/world-migratory-bird-day/

Title: 11 per cent migratory birds under threat: BNHS
Source: newKerala.com
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-104175.html

Title: 11 per cent migratory birds under threat: BNHS
Source: Web India 123
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://news.webindia123.com/news/Articles/India/20100508/1501131.html

Title: International Migratory Birds Day Highlighted by Official Launch of New Tool to Identify Birds by Song or Sight
Source: Earth Times
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/international-migratory-birds-day-highlighted,1289374.shtml

Title: Experts concerned about decreasing migratory birds
Source: The DAWN Media Group
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/local/islamabad/experts-concerned-about-decreasing-migratory-birds-850

Title: Shrinking green threat to migratory birds
Source: DNA India
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report_shrinking-green-threat-to-migratory-birds_1380437

Title: How Far Can They Go?
Source: Migrations
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://migration.wordpress.com/

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 focuses on globally threatened migratory birds
Source: Newsodrome
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://newsodrome.com/search/theme_news/world-migratory-bird-day-17120940

Title: Govt urged to protect migratory birds
Source: Andhra Headlines
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.andhraheadlines.com/BrowseArticle.aspx?CatID=4&ArtID=64567

Title: IMBD at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve - results etc
Source: Free Lists (article posted by William Mueller)
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.freelists.org/post/wisbirdn/IMBD-at-Forest-Beach-Migratory-Preserve-results-etc

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 focuses on globally threatened migratory birds
Source: Bird in the North of Spain - Birds, Birdwatching, Trip Reports, Bird Records and News in the north of Spain
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://northbirdspain.blogspot.com/2010/05/world-migratory-bird-day.html

Title: A Weekend of Celebration and Action for Migratory Birds
Source: United Nations Environment Programme
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=624&ArticleID=6552&l=en&t=long

Title: Migratory birds in a global context
Source: Wisconsin Birding Network (article posted by William Mueller)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Mail/WISBIRDN/714330

Title: World Migratory Bird Day et al (sigh)
Source: 10000 birds
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://10000birds.com/world-migratory-bird-day-et-al.htm

Title: Bird Watchers, Conservationists To Gather In Philippines For First Asian Avian Fair
Source: All headlline news
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7018630448

Title: UN-backed events to celebrate bird migration and highlight conservation
Source: UN news center
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=34628&Cr=&Cr1=

Title: UN-backed events to celebrate bird migration and highlight conservation
Source: UN Daily News (issue DH/5646)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/news/dh/pdf/english/2010/07052010.pdf

Title: Migratory birds in crisis
Source: Habitat - Daily wildlife and environment news from the British Isles - books too! (Source: BirdLife Int.)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.habitat.org.uk/070510.htm

Title: This weekend is for the birds
Source: News Durham Region
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://newsdurhamregion.com/opinion/article/153545

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 8-9 May 2010: World Migratory Bird Day focuses on globally threatened migratory birds
Source: WorldWaders’s Posterous - A platform of shorebird news from around the world
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://worldwaders.posterous.com/world-migratory-bird-day-8-9-may-2010-world-m

Title: A Weekend of Celebration and Action for Migratory Birds
Source: Wild Singapor - You CAN make a difference
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://wildsingaporenews.blogspot.com/2010/05/weekend-of-celebration-and-action-for.html

Title: A Weekend of Celebration and Action for Migratory Birds
Source: Planeta Azul - periodismo ambiental
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.planetaazul.com.mx/www/2010/05/07/a-weekend-of-celebration-and-action-for-migratory-birds/

Title: What's to celebrate on World Migratory Bird Day?
Source: Birdingonthe.Net (entry posted by Mark Anderson)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/SAFR.html#1273204365

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 focuses on globally threatened migratory birds
Source: Sri Lanka Birds - All about Sri Lankan birds (Blog)
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://srilankabirds.blogspot.com/2010/05/world-migratory-bird-day-2010-focuses.html

Title: Water Scarcity Endangers Iraq's Migratory Birds
Source: Ecofactory
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.ecofactory.com/news/water-scarcity-endangers-iraqs-migratory-birds-050710

Title: World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Spring Alive
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.springalive.net/en-ie/spring_news/SA18

Title: World Migratory Bird Day (regarding "Water Scarcity Endangers Iraq's Migratory Birds")
Source: Grannies and veterans: The Common Ills
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://thecommonills.blogdrive.com/archive/5516.html

Title: Water Scarcity Endangers Iraq's Migratory Birds
Source: Birding Equipment - Bird watching
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://birding-equipment.com/birdwatching/water-scarcity-endangers-iraqs-migratory-birds-eco-factory

Title: Water Scarcity Endangers Iraq's Migratory Birds
Source: Environment News Service
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/may2010/2010-05-06-01.html

Title: Migratory birds at risk
Source: The Namibian
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.namibian.com.na/news/environment/full-story/archive/2010/may/article/migratory-birds-at-risk/

Title: Dubai Municipality to observe World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Eye of Dubai
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.eyeofdubai.com/v1/news/newsdetail-43597.htm

Title: 5 Things to Do This Weekend (May 7-9)
Source: Wicked Local Hanover
Date Published: 5 May 2010
Link: http://www.wickedlocal.com/hanover/mysource/entertainment/x826104488/5-Things-to-Do-This-Weekend-May-7-9

Title: Ground-jay to mark bird-watching day
Source: Press TV
Date Published: 2 May 2010
Link: http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=125168§ionid=351020108

Title: 08.05.2010 – 09.05.2010 | UNEP/CMS: World Migratory Bird Day 2010
Source: Bonnsustainabilityportal
Date Published: 25 March 2010
Link: http://bonnsustainabilityportal.de/?p=5935

Title: 8 May (Sat) is World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Blogspot
Date Published: 5 March 2010
Link: http://iyb2010singapore.blogspot.com/2010/05/8-may-sat-is-world-migratory-bird-day.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010 at Mai Po
Source: Nong Kong outdoors
Date Published: 15 April 2010
Link: http://www.hkoutdoors.com/wild-activities/world-migratory-bird-day-2010-at-mai-po.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day to be held next month with four Critically Endangered albatrosses identified for action
Source: Agreement on Corservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
Date Published: 6 April 2010
Link: http://www.acap.aq/latest-news/world-migratory-bird-day-to-be-held-next-month-with-four-critically-endangered-albatrosses-identified-for-action

Title: The World's Rarest supports the World Migratory Bird Day 2010
Source: The Worlds Rarest Birds
Date Published:6 April 2010
Link: http://www.theworldsrarestbirds.com/en/about/80-the-worlds-rarest-supports-world-migratory-bird-day-2010.html

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 8-9 May 2010: World Migratory Bird Day ...
Source: WorldWaders’s Posterous -A platform of shorebird news from around the world.
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: www.worldwaders.posterous.com/world-migratory-bird-day-8-9-may-2010-world-m - Cached

Title: My Garden Birdwatch surfey Workshops at SBC
Source: Malaysian Nature Society Kuching Branch
Date Published: 11 May 2010
Link: http://mnskuching.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-post.html

Title: Bald Eagle on Nest, Osprey, Spotted Sandpiper, Bumble Bees and more
Source: Blogspot
Date Published: 8 May 2010

Title: Birdwatching at Stithians
Source: Blogspot
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.stithianslake.blogspot.com/2010/05/couple-of-surprises.html

Title: On the Verge of Extinction
Source: Bird Conservation Society of Thailand
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.bcst.or.th/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=222%3Aproject-gp3&catid=19%3Agurney-pitta-recovery-plan-project&Itemid=89&lang=th


Title: Les oiseaux migrateurs aux yeux des enfants - Chaque espèce compte
Source: Le Renouveau
Date Published: 26 May 2010
Link: http://www.unep-aewa.org/wmbd/2010/wmbd2010/jmom2010_article_le_renouveau26_mai_2010.pdf

Title: A L'Occasion De La Journée Mondiale Des Oiseaux Migrateurs - Ces populations menacées de notre biodiversité
Source: Tunis Hebdo
Date Published: 17 May 2010
Link: http://www.unep-aewa.org/wmbd/2010/wmbd2010/article_tunis_hebdo.pdf

Title: Un quart des espèces d’oiseaux nicheurs menacées en France
Source: Canal Académie - Première radio academique francophone sur Internet
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.canalacademie.com/ida5560-Un-quart-des-especes-d-oiseaux.html

Title: 31 espèces d’oiseau en danger critique d’extinction
Source: Toulouse 7
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.toulouse7.com/2010/05/09/31-especes-doiseau-en-danger-critique-dextinction/

Title: Journée Mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs : 10% des espèces menacées d’extinction
Source: Actualit News Environment
Date Published: 9 May 2010
Link: http://www.actualites-news-environnement.com/23539-oiseaux-migrateurs-extinction.html

Title: SciencesPlus d'une espèce d'oiseaux migrateurs sur dix menacées (PNUE)
Source: RIA Novosti/Russische Informations-und Nachrichtenagentur
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://fr.rian.ru/science/20100507/186647294.html

Title: Le PNUE s'inquiète de la menace d'extinction de certains oiseaux migrateurs
Source: UN news center
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=21881&Cr=biodiversit%C3%A9&Cr1=

Title: Univers Nature - L'environment sur le web
Source: Les oiseaux migrateurs en déroute
Date Published: 10 May 2010
Link: http://www.univers-nature.com/inf/inf_actualite1.cgi?id=4217

Title: Le Canard Parle aux Canards: World Migratory Bird Day
Source: Canard Migrateur via blogspot
Date Published: 10 May 2010
Link: http://canardmigrateur.blogspot.com/2010/05/le-canard-parle-aux-canards-world.html


Title: ONU alerta sobre aves migratorias amenazadas
Source: Nacion.com/aldea global
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.nacion.com/2010-05-09/AldeaGlobal/NotasSecundarias/AldeaGlobal2365562.aspx

Title: Casi 250.000 aves han cruzado el Estrecho en sus migraciones en el último año
Source: Nortecastilla
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.nortecastilla.es/agencias/20100508/mas-actualidad/vida-ocio/casi-250.000-aves-cruzado-estrecho_201005081149.html

Title: Casi 250.000 aves han cruzado el Estrecho en sus migraciones en el último año
Source: Diariovasco
Date Published: 8 May, 2010
Link: http://www.diariovasco.com/agencias/20100508/mas-actualidad/sociedad/casi-250.000-aves-cruzado-estrecho_201005081149.html

Title: Un día para celebrar, todo el año para actuar
Source: Elreservado
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.elreservado.es/news/view/245-la-pestana-verde/128-un-dia-para-celebrar-todo-el-ano-para-actuar

Title: Extinción amenaza al 11% de las aves migratorias
Source: RIA Novosti/Agencia Rusa de Informacion
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://sp.rian.ru/onlinenews/20100507/126214848.html

Title: La ONU alerta de que 1.227 especies de aves migratorias se hallan amenazadas
Source: Google Hosted news
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.google.com/hostednews/epa/article/ALeqM5iCqH8EnQbTvL3Z0UFM42X5fvdV2Q

Title: La ONU alerta de que 1.227 aves migratorias se hallan amenazadas
Source: Efe:verde
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.efeverde.com/esl/contenidos/noticias/07-mayo-2010-16-02-00-la-onu-alerta-de-que-1.227-aves-migratorias-se-hallan-amenazadas

Title: La ONU alerta de que 1.227 aves migratorias se hallan amenazadas
Source: Diariosur
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.diariosur.es/agencias/20100507/gente/alerta-1.227-aves-migratorias-hallan_201005071603.html

Title: Día mundial de las aves migratorias
Source: Oaxacain
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.oaxacain.com/noticias/58-local/1666-dia-mundial-de-las-aves-migratorias-.html

Title: SEO/BIRDLife lanza un Cuaderno digital de avisamiento de aves
Source: Agencia EFE Verde
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.efeverde.com/esl/contenidos/noticias/06-mayo-2010-17-33-00-seo-birdlife-lanza-un-cuaderno-digital-de-avisamiento-de-aves

Title: '¡Cada especie cuenta!'
Source: Agencia EFE Verde
Date Published: 6 MAy 2010
Link: http://www.efeverde.com/esl/contenidos/noticias/06-mayo-2010-18-36-00-!cada-especie-cuenta!

Title: Día Internacional de las Aves (opcionalmente Migratorias)
Source: Himajina via blogspot
Date Published:9 May 2010
Link: http://himajina.blogspot.com/2010/05/dia-internacional-de-las-aves.html


Title: Estudo do Pnuma mostra ameaça às aves migratórias
Source: Estadao
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.estadao.com.br/estadaodehoje/20100508/not_imp548810,0.php

Title: ONU alerta que 1,2 mil espécies de aves migratórias estão ameaçadas no mundo
Source: Estadao
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/vidae,onu-alerta-que-12-mil-especies-de-aves-migratorias-estao-ameacadas-no-mundo,548452,0.htm



Title: Save to Migratori, Lipu pugliese: a rischio capovaccaio e grillaio
Source: Statoquotidiano
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://www.statoquotidiano.it/08/05/2010/save-to-migratori-lipu-pugliese-a-rischio-capovaccaio-e-grillaio/26344/

Title: Giornata Mondiale degli Uccelli Migratori
Source: Bora la
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://bora.la/2010/05/07/giornata-mondiale-degli-uccelli-migratori/

Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://procida.blogolandia.it/2010/05/09/lipu-giornata-mondiale-migratori/

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010: «Salvate gli uccelli migratori in crisi. Ogni specie conta»
Source: Green Report
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.greenreport.it/_new/index.php?page=default&id=%204761

Title: World Migratory Bird Day 2010: «Salvate gli uccelli migratori in crisi. Ogni specie conta»
Source: Vegan - il gusto di non uccidere
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.ivegan.it/ivegan/2010/05/07/world-migratory-bird-day-2010-salvate-gli-uccelli-migratori/



Title: Elf Prozent der Zugvogelbestände vom Aussterben bedroht
Source: Russische Informations-und Nachrichtenagentur
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://de.rian.ru/science/20100507/126219679.html

Title: Zugvögel in Gefahr - jede Art zählt / Am 8. und 9. Mai ist Welt-Zugvogeltag
Source: EuroNatur via Yahoo news
Date Published: May 2010
Link: http://de.news.yahoo.com/16/20100506/twl-zugvoegel-in-gefahr-jede-art-zaehlt-3a92acf.html

Title: Am 8. und 9. Mai ist Welt-Zugvogeltag
Source: Tierschutznews
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.tierschutznews.ch/tiere/lufttiere/2634-am-8-und-9-mai-ist-welt-zugvogeltag.html

Title: Zugvögel in Gefahr - jede Art zählt / Am 8. und 9. Mai ist Welt-Zugvogeltag
Source: Euronatur via Finanznachrichten
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-2010-05/16825697-zugvoegel-in-gefahr-jede-art-zaehlt-am-8-und-9-mai-ist-welt-zugvogeltag-007.htm

Title: Zugvögel in Gefahr - jede Art zählt / Am 8. und 9. Mai ist Welt-Zugvogeltag
Source: Ad-hoc-news
Date Published: 6 May 2010
Link: http://www.ad-hoc-news.de/zugvoegel-in-gefahr-jede-art-zaehlt-am-8-und-9-mai-ist--/de/News/21276899

Title: Birdrace 2010: Binnenländische Teams schnuppern am Sieg, doch der „Cup“ geht erstmals an die Ostsee
Source: Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) Bird Race
Date Published: 9 May 2010


Title: ???????? ?? ??????? - 2238. World Migratory Bird Day * ????????? ???? ?????????? ????
Source:Live Journal
Date Published: 8 May 2010
Link: http://lenaswan.livejournal.com/581836.html

Title: ????? 10% ?????????? ???? ????????? ??? ??????? ????????? - ???
Source: RIA Novosti/Russische Informations-und Nachrichtenagentur
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://eco.rian.ru/nature/20100507/231668358.html

Title: ????? 10% ?????????? ???? ????????? ??? ??????? ????????? - ???
Source:RIA Novosti
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://eco.rian.ru/nature/20100507/231668358.html



Title: Svetový den stehovavých ptáku
Source: Ceská spolecnost ornitologická - BirdLife Partner
Date Published: 7 May 2010
Link: http://www.birdlife.cz/index.php?ID=1963