Home Impressum


The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat would like to thank the following individuals for their help and support in developing materials for the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2010 campaign:


WMBD 2010 Website

Development Team

Florian Keil – Project Coordination
Johannes Schramm – Web Developer & PHP Programmer (Author of the WMBD Registration System)
Dunia Sforzin & Marie-Therese Kämper – Webmaster(s)

Text/Content Team

Dunia Sforzin
Maria Krell
Nikolas Pankau
Nick Askew (BirdLife International)

Editorial Team

Robert Vaag
Jolanta Kremer

Translation Team (WMBD Flyer)

Francisco Rilla Manta & Laura Aguado (Spanish)
Simone Irsfeld, Catherine Lehmann (French)
Enzhe Gareeva, Sergey Kudjikov & Sergey Dereliev (Russian)
Ma Zisong (Chinese)
Dunia Sforzin (German)

WMBD 2010 Poster

Poster design: Uwe Vaartjes

WMBD 2010 Trailer

The WMBD 2010 Trailer "SAVE THOSE IN CRISIS" was produced by Nikolas Pankau (with guidance from Dunia Sforzin and Florian Keil) during his 3 month internship at the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat / The trailer uses footage from past WMBD events and music composed for the 2008 WMBD trailer by: www.begleitautomatik.de / Original bird footage is from: Musch & Tinbergen.

WMBD Social Media (Twitter / Facebook)

Nikolas Pankau
Maria Krell

Photo Credits

We would like to thank and acknowledge the following individuals and organisations for their photo contributions:

WMBD website

BirdLife International
Cprogrammer (www.flickr.com)
Greg & Yvonne Dean (www.worldwildlifeimages.com)
Sergey Dereliev
Farmgirl (www.everystockphoto.com)
Giuss95 (www.flickr.com)
Neil Gray (www.wikipedia.com)
Marc Guyt (www.rarebirdsyearbook.com)
Ben Hall (www.rspb-images.com)
Ibm4381 (www.flickr.com)
International Crane Foundation
Catherine Lehmann
Lighmatter (www.flickr.com)
Jussi Mononen
Ghulam Rasool Mughal (www.rarebirdsyearbook.com)
Alastair Rae (www.flickr.com)
Michael Clarke Stuff (www.flickr.com)
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Frank Wouters (www.wikipedia.com)

The WMBD web team would also like to collectively thank the global Joomla! development community for their work on an open source content management system that works! Thank you for providing us with the ICT tools & infrastructure to help us reach out to the world!