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Biodiversity and migratory birds in crisis
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# Web Link Hits
  Link   UNEP/AEWA – The Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
This website contains information about the Agreement, which aims to maintain or restore populations of waterbird species at a favorable conservation status.
  Link   Wings Over Wetlands (WOW): The African-Eurasian Flyway Project
This project aimed to safeguard African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds through the conservation of sites that these birds require to complete their annual cycle.
  Link   Born to travel Campaign
This is the official website of a BirdLife International Campaign, which aims to protect migratory birds along their flyways.
  Link   State of the world's birds
This website outlines why birds and biodiversity are important, and examines what we know about the changing state of the world’s birds.
  Link   BirdLife International – Birds as environmental barometer
This is an article about the difficulties to aim the biodiversity target and the role of birds as indicators of biodiversity loss.
  Link   BirdLife International – More Critically Endangered birds than ever before
This article is about the rising number of species that are threatened with extinction.
  Link   IUCN Red List
This website provides many details about all listed species as well as information about the goals of IUCN Red List, its categories and criteria.
  Link   CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
The website contains information about the goals of the Convention, the Parties, strategic plan and programs.
  Link   Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center aims to clarify the causes for declines in migratory bird populations and to protect habitats of migratory birds.
  Link   Center for Biological Diversity
This website gives a lot of information about endangered species and the campaigns to protect them.
  Link   GROMS - Global Register of Migratory Species
GROMS is a search machine, which contains knowledge about migratory species and their conservation.
  Link   Kuckuck, Kuckuck, flieg um die Welt - Cuckoo, cuckoo, fly around the world
The picture book and the associated workbook illustrate the issues of environmental protection and sustainability with a focus on migratory birds in a child-friendly manner. Take a look!
  Link   WWF Australia - Shorebirds
Website of WWF Australia describing the threats to Shorebirds and conservation projects to their protection.