An amazing 203 registered events in 64 countries worldwide make World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2011, which was celebrated on 14-15 May 2011, an absolute record breaker!
From Argentina to Palau and from Canada to India, school children, teachers, conservationists, politicians, clubs, conservation organizations, journalists and many others joined World Migratory Bird Day 2011 by organizing events which brought people together to have fun while raising awareness about migratory birds and the loss of their habitats. World Migratory Bird Day 2011 also received a record breaking interest from the media, with hundreds of news articles related to WMBD published around the world and several statements and messagesfrom key WMBD supporters.
We are overwhelmed by the personal engagement and the feedback we have received so far. For us it is a strong signal that the conservation of migratory birds along the world’s flyways is a subject of considerable interest. We would like to thank every single person involved in WMBD for their contribution, without which, World Migratory Bird Day 2011 would never have been such a great success.
We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage all contributors to send us their event reports in the form of photos, newspaper articles and summary descriptions of the events. The materials we receive will be added to each registration giving you the possibility to share your WMBD experience with others around the world. In addition, please continue to use the WMBD Facebook page to showcase your events to the growing WMBD community.
We very much hope that we will be able to welcome all of you back next year to celebrate WMBD 2012 on 12-13 May 2012.
THANK YOU to all of you around the world and CONGRATULATIONSon making WMBD 2011 a global success story!
For a full overview of the 203 registered events and the reports (as they become available) please see the: “WMBD Around the World” section on the WMBD website.
Please send your WMBD 2011 Event Reports to:
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