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World Migratory Bird Day 2006

The first ever World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) took place on the weekend of 8-9 April 2006 and focused on the topic “Migratory birds need our support now!”. The launching event named "WINGS" took place at the famous wildlife reserve, ‘Ol Ari Nyiro’ on the edge of the Great Rift Valley in Laikipia, Kenya which is owned by Ms. Kuki Gallmann, the author of the novel "I dreamt of Africa". At the centre of this international event was an artistic and cultural show reflecting the symbolic value of birds and their historic and cultural significance to humans.

In addition more than 46 Countries worldwide celebrated the phenomenon of migrating birds and showed that bird migration was of global importance. A total of 68 registered activities took place in countries as diverse as Norway and South Africa and from India to Peru.

Further links:

WMBD 2007 Poster

Map 06
New Caledonia
New Caledonia