World Migratory Bird Day Celebration.

This year’s event will be held in Addis Ababa and Lake Ziway (170 km from Addis Ababa) and it is proposed to celebrate the day with one day workshop in which stakeholders from agricultural and related economic sectors will take part. The programme will be more of educational to value the flyway and threats posed to, migrant birds in general and soaring birds in particular, in the agricultural sector with particular emphasis to the adverse effects of use of pesticides. The workshop will be followed by an educational field trip to Lake Ziway, one of the IBA sites in Ethiopia and a home for MSBs.

Addis Abeba 8° 58' 50.1708" N, 38° 45' 27.9396" E
Start date: 
Friday, May 17, 2013 - 02:00
End date: 
Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 02:00