Educational Activity



Celebración Día Mundial de Aves Migratorias Reserva Natural Municipal Humedal de Cartagena


Realización de Actividad: día Viernes 7 de Octubre, 2022.
Horario a público : 10:00 a 13:00 hrs

11:00 - 12:30  Charla Red de Observadores de Aves y vida Silvestre ROC - Sharon Montencino. 
12:45-13:30 Visita Guiada “Aves migratorias y residentes del humedal de Cartagena” Guardaparques.

'Birds Connect Our World'

World Migratory Bird Day is observed twice in a year i.e. on 14th May and 8th October. For this year, the
theme of the day is set to be ‘Light Pollution’. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) notes,
“Artificial light is increasing globally by at least 2 per cent per year and it is known to adversely affect
many bird species. Light pollution is a significant threat to migratory birds, causing disorientation when
they fly at night, leading to collisions with buildings, perturbing their internal clocks, or interfering with

World Migratory Bird Day 2022 & October Big Day 2022

Se han diseñado cuatro espectaculares recorridos de avistamiento de aves en su entorno natural por reservas naturales con zonas bióticas representativas El objetivo es suministrar a niños y adultos entusiastas el acompañamiento y asesoría para la observación, identificación y registro de la avifauna local y migratoria, en San Antonio del Tequendama – Cundinamarca. Además, se instalarán estaciones de capacitación en tópicos específicos como:


La Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Morelos a través de su Comisión Estatal de Biodiversidad, se unen al marco de actividades en el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias con el October Big Day Cuernavaca, uno de los eventos más importantes para el conocimiento, observación y conteo de aves a nivel mundial, que se llevará a cabo el 08 de octubre en el Parque Ecoturístico San Lorenzo Chiamilpan, de Cuernavaca Morelos.

Se realizarán recorridos de observación de aves y los asistentes podrán participar en talleres de :

Festival de Aves Culiacán

Se promoverán actividades que den conocimiento sobre las aves urbanas, las aves vecinas de los usuarios del Río Humaya como centro de recreación con la naturaleza. Durante la mañana y la tarde se observarán aves, se darán breves pláticas sobre la importancia ecológica y cultural de las aves, se harán actividades lúdicas con el tema de las aves. 

World Migratory Bird Day Santa Cruz Government School

Belize Audubon Society's Environmental Education program is dedicated to building awareness and understanding of the natural environment. The Belize Audubon Society will be visiting the school to conduct an in-classroom presentation on World Migratory Bird Day and build awareness of the hazards the birds face during their annual journey. The organization aims to build knowledge on why migratory birds are important and with all the development happening, threats are becoming common. Spreading the word about these threats and how to help can make migration even safer for these birds.

World Migratory Bird Day St. Jude RC School

Belize Audubon Society's Environmental Education program is dedicated to building awareness and understanding of the natural environment. The Belize Audubon Society will be visiting the school to conduct an in-classroom presentation on World Migratory Bird Day and build awareness of the hazards the birds face during their annual journey. The organization aims to build knowledge on why migratory birds are important and with all the development happening, threats are becoming common. Spreading the word about these threats and how to help can make migration even safer for these birds.

World Migratory Bird Day St. Margrets RC School

Belize Audubon Society's Environmental Education program is dedicated to building awareness and understanding of the natural environment. The Belize Audubon Society will be visiting the school to conduct an in-classroom presentation on World Migratory Bird Day and build awareness of the hazards the birds face during their annual journey. The organization aims to build knowledge on why migratory birds are important and with all the development happening, threats are becoming common. Spreading the word about these threats and how to help can make migration even safer for these birds.

World Migratory Bird Day (Crooked Tree Government School)

Belize Audubon Society's Environmental Education program is dedicated to building awareness and understanding of the natural environment. The Belize Audubon Society will be visiting the school to conduct an in-classroom presentation on World Migratory Bird Day and build awareness of the hazards the birds face during their annual journey. The organization aims to build knowledge on why migratory birds are important and with all the development happening, threats are becoming common. Spreading the word about these threats and how to help can make migration even safer for these birds.


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