Educational Activity

Día Mundial Aves Migratorias 2014: Destino rutas aéreas. Aves migratorias y turismo

Punto de Información.-
Puesto de artesanía ornitológica.-
Talleres infantiles medioambientales.-
Paseos ornitológicos.-
Jornada de charlas y ponencias: Destino rutas aéreas. Aves migratorias y turismo.-

Leaving is Living

This local informative event in the Ionain islands of Corfu and Paxoi will present the magical journey of migration and the threats migratory birds face!

We aim to engage the local hunting community in a live discussion regarding the contentious issue of spring killing in Greece and to empower the individuals that wish to publicly defend migratory birds against poachers.
This event is part of the LIFE Information and Communication Project "Safe haven for Wild Birds", which runs a 3-year campaign against illegal killing on the Mediterranean.

Promoting Local Communities Protection to Save Migratory Birds

To celebrate WMBD 2014, Biodiversity Society would like to promote the involvement of local communities in protecting migratory birds from poaching. This celebration is consist of:
1. Migratory Birdwatching
2. Campaign Activity
3. Environment Education

Save Migratory Birds and Habitats

migratory birds are indicators of a healthy environment

Arramblando por la carraca

Durante varias fechas de Abril y Mayo de 2014 presentamos el protocolo de seguimiento y manejo de carraca en la Región de Murcia y se organizan actividades educativas en el Aula de Naturaleza de las Salinas de Rambla Salada (Fortuna. MURCIA)

Birdwatching & Photography

To celebrate WMBD 2014, TPCC would like to promote publics in protecting birds from poaching and other illegal activities. For this, events will be;
1. Birdwatching at Ukkadam big tank
2. Public campaign around Ukkadam
3. Poster distribution

charla de la conservacion de aves migratorias en las escuelas

Se lograra hacer charlas y exposiciones de las aves migratorias y a su vez enseñar a los niños sobre la conservación de las aves en el turismo o en giras de campo.

Insel-Ralley zum Thema Zielflugrouten imd Tourismus

Eine Rallye führt die Teilnehmer über die Insel. Das Zusammenspiel von Zugvogel und Tourismus auf Langeoog sowie Aspekte zum Thema Zielflugrouten und Nahrung werden erkundet. Die Insel-Rallye wird in drei Schwierigkeitsgraden angeboten:

Kein Zuckerschlecken
Die Tour ist für Erwachsene eine echte Herausforderung. Es sind knifflige Fragen rund um den Zugvogel Fragen zu lösen und bei einer Tour über die Insel werden Aspekte wie Zugvögel und Tourismus erörtert und das UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer erforscht.

Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo, Limth

This event will be organized in our camping site in Limth, Dragash Municipality, Kosovo. Before we go to Limth, we are going to visit a wetland of Liqeni i Breznes which is on the road to Limth. Limth is a camping site where our organization frequently goes there with its members and sometimes for a couple of day with the reason of bird watching, tourism, hiking, etc.


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