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International Flyway Conservation Projects
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# Web Link Hits
  Link   Wings Over Wetlands: The African-Eurasian Flyways Project
Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) aimed to improve the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds through implementing measures to conserve the critical network of sites that these birds require to complete their annual cycle.
  Link   Migrating Soaring Birds in the Middle East and North Africa
BirdLife’s Migratory Soaring Birds project will ensure that migratory bird conservation needs are incorporated into the sectors where the main threats to these birds originate – primarily energy, agriculture, waste management, development and tourism.
  Link   The Siberian Crane Wetland Project (SCWP)
The SCWP is a six-year effort to sustain the ecological integrity of a network of globally important wetlands in Asia that are of critical importance for migratory waterbirds and other wetland biodiversity.
  Link   BirdLife Flyways Work
Here you can find out more about BirdLife’s work to help migratory birds around the world.
  Link   Spotlight on flyways
Spotlight on flyways - Presented as part of the BirdLife State of the world's birds website. It provides links to over thirty case studies on migratory birds & flyways.