Association les Albrans - The association “Les Albrans”

Visite et sensibilisation de l'importance de notre zone humide à travers une visite du marais et une reconnaissance des migrateurs. La nidification actuelle ne permet pas de déranger les femelles mais nous ferons en sorte de ne pas les perturber et de faire comprendre aux visiteurs les enjeux et la sauvegarde de ce site.
Les 21 et 22 mai 2011, nous organisons un salon nature chasse et une sensibilisation éco citoyenne avec des acteurs de la nature ouvert au grand public. Exposition, concours de dessins des écoles de la ville, l'importance de la forêt et de la zone humide. (50 exposants).
Our aim is to raise awareness of the importance of our wetland/s by organizing a field trip to the marsh and identifying migratory birds. As the birds are currently nesting the females must not be disturbed. We will be careful not to cause any disturbance and explain to participants the importance of preserving this site.

On 21 and 22 May 2011 we will organize a nature and hunting fair and raise awareness on the idea of eco-citizenship. Stakeholders from the environment sector will participate in the event which is open to the public. The event features an exhibition and a drawing competition for local schools and will highlight the importance of the forest and wetland/s (50 exhibitors).

Annequin 50° 30' 33.6708" N, 2° 43' 35.3676" E
Start date: 
Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 02:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 02:00