
Taller de Observación de Aves

Taller de observación de aves migratorias y residentes que contará con una sección teórica en la cual se explicará qué son las aves migratorias y cuál es su importancia, dando énfasis en la conservación de las mismas. También se realizará una parte práctica que consiste en una salida a terreno a los humedales de Caulín y Putemún, facilitando a los asistentes los materiales de observación: Checklist, binoculares y telescopios

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias-Formando Guías.

- Curso-Taller de Educación Ambiental en escuelas primarias.
- Salidas de campo para identificación de aves.
- Concurso de dibujo infantil de aves.
- Selección de prospectos para guías en observación de aves.
- Presentación del Libro Colibríes de México y Norteamérica.

Migración y Turismo Sostenible

cañada de los Pájaros es una Reserva de Aves Acuáticas privada, en la Comarca de Doñana; declarada Reserva Natural Concertada en 1991, incluida en la RED NATURA 2000 y en el LIC: ES6150009. Esta Reserva acoge varios miles de aves migratorias, sobre todo en invernada
El día 10 de mayo celebramos el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias. Se realizarán censos de aves y birdwatching. Entrada reducida del 30%


I nostri cieli, in questo periodo, ospitano il volo maestoso dei grandi rapaci veleggiatori, di ritorno dall’Africa per raggiungere i luoghi di nidificazione: in compagnia dei ricercatori del Parco, scopriremo i segreti di questo affascinante fenomeno naturale, in occasione del World Migratory Bird Day.
Per tutti, il costo del biglietto è di 4 euro per gli adulti e 2 euro per i ragazzi fino a 14 anni.

Seabird and Marine Mammal Monitoring Network

This activity is liked with the Seabird and Marine Mammal Monitoring Network (RAM, in Portuguese). It's a seabird observation network initiated in the Cantabrian and Galician coasts and now extended to the whole Iberian Peninsula, including the continental Portuguese coast and the Madeira and Azores archipelagos.

One of RAM's main initiatives are the seabird observation days. During these days observers are placed along different spots of the coast, preferably at the same time, to record all birds, including items such as species, number, flight direction, age group, etc.

Seabird and Marine Mammal Monitoring Network

This activity is linked with the Seabird and Marine Mammal Monitoring Network (RAM, in Portuguese). It's a seabird observation network initiated in the Cantabrian and Galician coasts and now extended to the whole Iberian Peninsula, including the continental Portuguese coast and the Madeira and Azores archipelagos.

One of RAM's main initiatives are the seabird observation days. During these days observers are placed along different spots of the coast, preferably at the same time, to record all birds, including items such as species, number, flight direction, age group, etc.

Educational and Bird Bird Watching Trip Event

People invited from different environmental institutions will attend the educational and bird watching trip which will be taking place at Lake Abijata on 10and 11 May 2014 and education about the challenges facing migratory birds and their significance in promoting sustainable tourism will be addressed and thye bird watching activities will be conducted.

Enjoy Birding

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden is a birding hotspot with more than 220 bird species records as well as a well-known attraction in China. Each year, we have birding festival since 2010 as well as a varies of bird education activities for the local communities. We are happy to join WMBD to celebrate birds and improve awareness of bird conservation and education.


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