
Backyard Raptorthon

A national community hawkwatching event supporting sites and HMANA and celebrating World Migratory BIrd Day!

Do you want to watch hawks but keep a safe social distance? Do you want to support a continental network of hawkwatchers in the process?

Join us here on May 9 for an all-day Backyard Raptorthon in your own safe space—your back yard!

Surfside Bird Migration Day

Join us for some fun virtual games and contests on Facebook and Instagram @VisitSurfsideBeachTX

We will have lots of educationa links and information on migrating. We have 2 expert video events discussing world migration scheduled. We will have a chilfdren's storytime! We have a couple of Facebbok Live scheduled, a bird photo contest, and a kid's art contest! We also will be hosting a plastics cleanup on the beach!

Bird migration along the western Mediterranean coast

On the 9th of May, as part as our daily monitoring at the Leucate counting station we will welcome people to raise awareness about this beautiful phenomenon. We will explain how we count birds and show all the species that can be seen from the counting station. During the evening we will organize a conference about bird migration and more precisely bird migration on the western French Mediterranean coast.

World Migratory Bird Day at The Cradle of Forestry in America

April and May are bursting with sound and color at Cradle of Forestry in America as many neotropical migrant birds fly to the North Carolina mountains amongst their breeding territories in the northern United States and Canada. The heavily forested mountains provide a key resting and feeding refuge for these migrants.  It is possible to see as many as 25 species of wood warblers on a single day during the peak of spring migration with species such as hooded warblers, worm-eating warblers, black-and-white warblers, northern parulas, many blue-headed vireos and on occasion, one may spot rare

Developing educational programmes for local communities to ensure safeguarding bird diversity in Qeshm Hara Biosphere Reserve

Hara Biosphere Reserve, with an area of about 100,000 hectares, is known as the largest mangrove stand at the NW Indian Ocean. This vast mangrove wetland hosts more than 50 waterbird species, of which some such as the Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) and Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) are categorized as threatened in the IUCN Red-list. Therefore, the wetland has been known as a Marine Important Bird Area (Marine IBA).

2o Festival de Bienvenida a las Aves Migratorias de la Bahia Samborombón

Observación de Aves - Obra de tieteres - Mesas temáticas sobre naturaleza y conservación - Audiovisuales - Juegos y dibujos - Murga en vivo - Plantas nativas - Exposiciones - Taller de Compostaje

world migratory bird day in Bandar Khamir

in 12th of October 2019 in south of Iran in a small city of Bandar Khamir , students and people did several activities . leaning about birds and plastic pollution at schools . birdwatching in beach with participation of people and kids, showing learning films and photos and cleaning part of the beach from plastic.

Bandar Khamir is located next to Khuran straits international wetland. 

Celebración del día de las aves migratorias

Teniendo en cuenta el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias, el Laboratorio de Vida Silvestre de la Universidad de Concepción quiere unirse a esta celebración mediante un recorrido de observación de aves en el Mirador Humedal Arauco de la región del Biobío, durante el evento jóvenes y niños recibirán una charla acerca del impacto de los plásticos en los ecosistemas silvestres y a su vez se van a recolectar todos los desechos que se encuentren en el lugar para luego ser depositados en un sitio adecuado para su disposición final.

World Migratory Bird Day, Nicaragua

La Reserva Silvestre Privada La Makina, sera el punto donde este año Set Net Comunicaciones y Bone Events & Tours concentraran a todos los amantes, observadores de aves, escuelas, club de aves y aficionados a las aves en celebración del World Migratory Bird Day!.


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