Educational Activity

Birdwatching event with children

Birdwatching event with children from local schools and local hunters, leaded by members of E.C.,,Tisa,,.
The event is located at fishpond near Novi Knezevac.

Visit to Gharana Wetland

200 Students of Eco-Clubs will participate in bird watching at Gharana Wetland. Paintig competition shall be held. Seminar on Migratory Birds and Tourism shall be organized.

Journées ecotouristiques d'observation des oiseaux migrateurs

Il s'agit dans un premier temps d'animer des séances de sensibilisation en milieu scolaire sur les oiseaux migrateurs et la journée qui leurs sont dédiées.
Ensuite, en réseau avec les autres acteurs (groupes de scolaires de divers établissements de Niamey et de Tillaberi, Ministère en charge de l'environnement, Ministère en charge du tourisme, les Organisations Non Gouvernementales membre du REDD/Niger, les medias, etc.) initier une excursion en direction de sites RAMSAR de la région de Tillaberi pour des séances d'identification, de photos et de vison des oiseaux migrateurs.

Observações Ornitologicas no Paul de Tornada

Nos dias 10 e 12 de Maio de 2014 a Reserva Natural Local do Paul de Tornada celebra o Dia Mundial das Aves Migratórias.

Dia 10 - observação de aves para o público em geral

Dia 12 - dia reservado às escolas com actividades para os mais pequenos

das aves o CCVFloresta com a colaboração da SPEA- Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, promove uma acção de sensibilização sobre a conservação das populações de aves que vivem no estado selvagem e dos seus habitats, em particular no nosso território.

"Let's make the footsteps specimen of duck!"

Find the footprints, such as ducks and wild birds into the reserve, and create a footprint specimen is poured gypsum.

Crieff is for the Birds

On May 10 2014, there will be a bird banding demonstration and guided bird walks on the 250 acre wooded retreat centre belonging to the Presbyterian Church in Canada

Birding and Nature Awareness Camp

Birding and nature awareness camp at Topslip an Important Birding Area in Anamalai Tiger reserve, India.

World Migratory Bird Day - 2014 - Awareness campaign

Development of a media statement on the WMBD.
Development and printing of information pamphlet/posters on the importance of migratory birds and why we need to conserve them.
Distribution of information material to disadvantaged schools
Newspaper advert on WMBD

Media Coverage

Educational Activity & Press release about the event


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