
Winged Visitors...

I have been following migratory birds throughout the year and have been visiting areas around Gurgaon. I saw some unusual species this year, such as White Fronted Goose.

This year, the bird count was high. I plan to continue my activities for the rest of the year.

Birdwatching Event

Birdwatching and educational event co-organised by local NGOs, including introduction from EAAFP, educational lecture, field trip to tidal flats and local black-faced spoonbill breeding site, drawing competition and children's activity.

bird watching

we are going to birds watching and counting.

Bird Walk

Bird Walk with local students focusing on importance of migratory birds and tourism

Rotaract Celebrating Wold Migratory Bird Day

We Rotaracter visit the near forest to see the Bird. How they live and how they are eating food etc.

Journée d'observation et de formation sur les oiseaux migrateurs des agriculteurs de Chekfa et les membres de l'association de l'envirnnement d'El Kennar avec le parc National de Taza

C'est une seance du programme de formation des agriculteurs de la commune de Chekfa qui a démarrer le 2 février et auquel se sont associer l'association de la protection de lm'environnement de la commune d'El Kennar solliciter par la commune et l'association elle même pour la préservation des zones humides de Chekfa et El kennar

Lake Naivasha - Oloiden bay

Bringing all the bird guides on a day event doing birding appreciating birds and the employment creation.
our organization has been on the forefront in promoting sustainable tourism by creating employment through bird guides thus promoting bird conservation and habitat protection

Jornada de avistamiento de aves en la Isla Santay

Dia de avistamiento de aves en la Isla Santay, 10 mayo 2014. Invitación abierta a todo público.

Birds Are My True Joy !!!

" Happier of happy though I be, like them
I cannot take possession of the sky,
Mount with a thoughtless impulse and wheel there
One of a mighty multitude, whose way
And motion is a harmony and dance
Magnificent.... "
~William Wordsworth


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