
DÍA MUNDIAL DE LAS AVES MIGRATORIAS: Noches oscuras, migraciones seguras

El evento consistió en una charla sobre el ''Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias'' en la Ciudad de Tacna, Perú. En el evento asistieron alumnos universitarios y escolares de la ciudad de Tacna. Posterior a la charla, se repartió material sobre las aves migratorias y se realizó una pequeña salida de avistamiento de aves.


  • Programa de Aves Urbanas Tacna - PAU Tacna
  • Asociación de Investigación Ecobiológica - AIECO

Awareness Drive on World Migratory Birds Day 2024

A one day awareness Drive through seminar and speeches was organised on occassion of World Migratory Birds Day 2024 followed by Poster Competition, Speech Competition and Slogan Competition among college students. Finally, Bird watching was arranged for students and faculties of KB College, Bermo, Bokaro.

Field trip: Learn birdwatching (CAKE7)

Organised by the Malaysian Nature Society Selangor Branch and the Selangor Branch Bird Group, this Climate Action Kids Engagement (CAKE) field trip will show 7-12 years old children and their parents how to watch and identify birds, understand how climate change affects birds, and what little steps children can do to help the birds. At the end of the field trip, kids can contribute their bird count to eBird, and continue their birding journey with the Selangor Branch Bird Group.

Morning Bird Walk Near Bonn

On the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day 2024, the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat is pleased to invite you to a guided bird walk. You will be accompanied by Mr Sergey Dereliev, the Head of Science, Implementation and Compliance Unit at the Secretariat, who will be showing you some birds that have recently returned from their wintering areas and are now busy with producing their next generation.

World Migratory Bird Day Hike - Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge with a birding hike! We'll be taking a 1.8 mile guided bird hike around Lake Ladora. Meet at 8:00 am on the south side of Lake Ladora at the South Ladora trailhead archway (north of 64th Avenue next to the kiosk and restrooms.)

See you there!

World Migratory Bird Day - Guided Field Trip

Guided field trip by Bird Protection Quebec. In addition to our usual search for birds in the area, in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day's focus on insects, we will pay special attention to the insects we see to acknowledge their importance to birds and the ecosystem in general.

World Migratory Bird Day

Please join us to celebrate Bird Day at Camas National Wildlife Refuge! There will be guided bird walks, bird banding demonstrations, educational booths, activities, and a free lunch! The event starts at 10 a.m., but come early and do some birding on the refuge!

World Migratory Bird Day

Puiblic awareness activity about migratory birds and their conservation for the local communities and kids.

World Migratory Bird Day

Public awareness activity about bird migration and conservation in local communities of kids and herders


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