
Woodland Birding for Beginners

Hosted by Lancaster Conservancy-

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World Migratory Bird Day at Jacob Lake VC

To celebrate and educate people about World Migratory Bird Day the Kaibab National Forest is hosting three days of bird watching, and hosting a table with materials that hilight the day, this year's theme and posters, and have activities and materials to help educate the public about this important event. The date is May 20th at the Jacob lake Visitor Center on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come Join Us!


World Migratory Bird Day

To celebrate and educate people about World Migratory Bird Day the Kaibab National Forest is hosting three days of bird watching, and hosting a table with materials that hilight the day, this year's theme and posters, and have activities and materials to help educate the public about this important event. The first date will be on May 12th at the Kaibab lake Campground in Williams, AZ. The second is at the Tusayan Ranger District Office in Tusayan, AZ on May 13th. The third date is May 20th at the Jacob lake Visitor Center on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Migratory Bird Day

See live raptors and learn about bird migration, habitat conservation, and the importance of water resources. Local conservation groups will be in attendance to assist with a Bioblitz, helping to dientify birds, pollinators, plants, and others as we explore and learn about the habitat around Metzger Farm Open Space! 

Magnificent Migrations

Join hatchery staff to exploration the diverse migratory species that play an important role in our area. Delve into the different roles that migration plays in the lives of fish, insects, and birds, and keep an eye out for these migrators as we walk around the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery. Says phoebe, rufous hummingbird, tree swallow, and belted kingfisher are some of the possible birds we may spot. This trip is great for beginner and casual birders who are interested in all kinds of migratory animals.

Joint Bird Town Pennsylvania Bird Walk

Chalfont, Doylestown Township and New Britain Borough Bird Towns are hosting a Bird Walk for community members including families at Central Park in Doylestown Township from 8:30 AM until 10:30 AM. Come join us to see our beautiful local birds and the amazing birds migrating through. 

Klamath Falls 24th Annual World Migratory Bird Day Festival

Festival will offer:  A) staffed tables with kids’ activities such as: building bird houses, information about bees, binocular use to ID birds, etc.;  B) field activities such as bird walks, bird identification, and C) wildlife related entertainment thast includes music, costumed people as birds who walk around and talk with the children                     

14° Festival de las aves Isla Cozumel


Del 5 al 9 de octubre se llevo acabo el Festival de las aves isla Cozumel , donde se compartio de la celebración del DMAM. Algo a resaltar es que durante este festival 

Cozumel fue la primer ciudad en latinoamerica en ser nombrada Ciudad de las Aves. En el evento el staff de EFTA tuvo la oportunidad de participar en diversas actividades asi como en la impartición de talleres educativos. 

Celebración del Día Mundial de Aves Migratorias PAU Tepic

Se realizaron diversos eventos durante el mes de agosto y noviembre , entre ellos talleres de papiroflexia, cuenta cuentos, observación de aves, talleres de dibujo, danza, platicas sobre la contaminación lumínica. 

1er Festival de Rapaces Migratorias

El viernes 28 de octubre se arrancó con el Primer Festival de Rapaces Migratorias en Valle Riscó, Bocas del Toro.
Realizamos actividades educativas y lúdicas con cerca de 100 personas en el Centro Educativo Bilingüe Valle Riscó
Contamos con Actividades interesantes como Conteo de aves, concurso de sonidos, caminatas guiadas, venta de artesanías, productos agrícolas y stand educativo sobre aves.


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