Educational Activity

Mauritanie carrefour des oiseaux migrateurs

La Mauritanie, un pays de rencontres:
La Mauritanie est depuis des siècles un carrefour de cultures, point de passage obligatoire des caravanes entre l’Afrique et la Méditerranée, croisement d’influences paléarctiques et afro-tropicales. Les zones humides mauritaniennes sont les premières à accueillir les oiseaux migrateurs du Nord en automne, qui se mélangent pendant l’hiver avec des oiseaux d'origines tropicales qui réalisent eux aussi des migrations régionales Sud - Nord.

World Migratory Day in Jordan

JSSD is celebrating WMBD with two events:

  • production of a poster and distribution of the poster to schools all over Jordan;
  • Live TV episode on migratory birds world wide and Jordan in particular.

Celebración del Día Intenacional de las Aves Migratorias - Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day

En Bioparc Valencia conmemoramos este día celebrándolo con todos nuestros visitantes el domingo 15 de mayo.
Actividades Educativas:

  • Mesas educativas con muestras biológicas de aves.
  • Taller infantil de máscaras de aves.
  • Gincana "De mayor quiero ser...ave".

In Valencia Bioparc, we will celebrate this day with all our visitors, on Sunday 15 May. The event provides:

Introduction to "Bird I-Witness" database

Members of the Bird Group of MNS Perak are asked to record migratory birds that have been seen during the event. On 15 May, during the demonstration on how to use the "Bird I-Witness" database, members will upload their bird records. The list of recorded migratory birds will show the locations and habitats of these species. The event aims to increase the number of contributors to the "Bird I-Witness" database, which in turn will make the database a more powerful tool for research.

Lapuan Löyhinkinevan linturetki - Bird excursion to Löyhinkineva in Lapua

Linturetki yleisölle Löyhinkinevan FINNIBA-alueelle, klo 8 - 11.
Bird excursion for the public to the FINNIBA-area on Löyhinkineva, 8-11 o'clock.

Storks and land use

The University Lucian Blaga from Sibiu will identify stork nest with the help of GPS, will count and mapp these nests and will discuss how the results are influenced by land use.

WMBD celebrations in Rajouri & Ladakh, India

A large number of students will take part in a campaign organised by WWF India and with the aim to raise awareness for the importance of migratory birds and the need to conserve their habitats.

Hundreds of students will take part in the following three events:

  • A drawing and painting competition on the WMBD 2011 theme.
  • Bird watching trips along the lakeside and along the marshes close to Indus.
  • A panel discussions involving prominent citizens on the need to protect migratory birds.

Association les Albrans - The association “Les Albrans”

Visite et sensibilisation de l'importance de notre zone humide à travers une visite du marais et une reconnaissance des migrateurs. La nidification actuelle ne permet pas de déranger les femelles mais nous ferons en sorte de ne pas les perturber et de faire comprendre aux visiteurs les enjeux et la sauvegarde de ce site.

Let’s hear it for the birds

On May 13 to 15, the Biosphère, Environment Museum will be hosting the event Let’s hear it for the birds, a series of special activities on the world of birds and ornithology.

Fascinating birds of prey!
Learn all about birds of prey and admire some species on site, such as the Great Horned Owl.

With respect please!
Learn about the ethics of ornithology and adopt a proper etiquette for observation and photography of the winged fauna with talks by the Regroupement QuébecOiseaux.

Humedal de Putemún, Chiloé - Wetland Putemún, Chiloé

Visita al humedal de Putemún, cerca de la ciudad de Castro. Se realizará una instrucción general a los participantes, para luego recorrer el humedal censando especies, tomando fotos y apoyando en el reconocimiento. Igualmente se aprovechará el momento para que entre todos instalemos la primera señalética del sector que describirá el ecosistema y sus especies, además de otro letrero destinado a actualizar datos de censos en el sitio.Visit to the Putemún wetland near the city of Castro.


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