Educational Activity

Jornada de pajareo por Collado Mediano - Birding day in Collado Mediano

Paseo ornitológico por el término de Collado Mediano, Madrid.
Observación de la avifauna típica del centro de la peninsula ibérica en diferentes ecosistemas. Bosque mediterráneo de transición a euro-siberiano en el piso meso-mediterráneo entre los 900 y 1800 msnm.
Walk to watch birds in the area of Collado Mediano, Madrid.
Observation of birds typical of different ecosystems in the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Mediterranean forest in transition to Euro-Siberian forest, within the Meso-Mediterranean belt between 900 and 1800 masl (Meters Above Sea Level).

Photo exhibition, workshop, symposium and excursion to one of the wetlands

Photo exhibition of migratory birds will be shown at Jammu University. A workshop and a symposium will jointly be organized with the Department of Wildlife, the Zoology Department and the Department of Environment Jammu University. Similar events are also planned in some of the wetlands of Kashmir. An excursion to the Gharana wetland will also be part of this WMBD event.

8th Northern Greece Annual Bird Race!

For the 8th consecutive year, HOS is organising the Northern Greece BirdRace. The race consists of a dawn to dusk event where teams of bird-watchers (members, friends and volunteers of the Hellenic Ornithological Society) will spend the entire day bird watching and recording. The participants will try and record as many species of birds as possible, learn about the finer points of bird-watching from the experts and the experienced, and then later in the evening, all teams will meet at a select venue over for an interactive tête-à-tête.

Meeting with Wetlands Networking Clubs of Ghana

Friends of Ramsar Sites Ghana will celebrate WMBD on 13-14 May 2011. Participants of the event will be mainly pupils and students who are members of wetland networking clubs in Ghana. They will be taught about WMBD and migratory birds.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

In the district of Dharwad, there have been many lakes and water tanks, providing safe spots for many different migratory bird species. Some years ago, thousands of migratory birds used to come during the migratory season to these areas. Now, due to urbanization and pollution of these weltands there has been a tremendous decrease in the arrival of migratory birds.

The Wonders of Nature

A family evening in the Gardens on the theme "The Wonders of Nature" including a talk on "The Wonder of Bird Migration" and a bird migration game for kids. Afterwards a walk through the Gardens to find nocturnal birds and share the night sky with the Astronomy Society.

Observación aves del entorno Juampablista - Bird watching in the Juampablista area

  • Observación directa y con binoculares de las aves del bosque circundante al Colegio Juan Pablo II.
  • Dibujo de las aves del entorno visualizadas.
    Importancia de las aves en la vida de los ecosistemas.
  • Problemáticas a las que están sometidas actualmente las aves.
  • Discusión de Acciones humanas para conservarlas.
  • Direct observation with binoculars of birds living in the forest surrounding the school Juan Pablo II.
  • Drawing of the observed birds in the area.
  • Importance of birds for ecosystems life.

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day and creating awareness for migratory birds

Create aware by distributing some of the WMBD pamphlets and make people aware of migratory birds. Target group to be informed about this WMBD event and and to raise awareness for migratory birds will be my congregation which counts more than 35000 people.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

En la ciudad de san José del Guaviare (Colombia) ubicada con coordenadas Geográficas 2°34′15″N 72°38′25″O, el día ocho de abril del presente año se realizaron actividades correspondiente al Día mundial de las aves migratorias. Diferentes instituciones académicas, corporaciones ambientales y gubernamentales presentes en la ciudad realizaron charlas sobre Aves migratorias y efectos de la deforestación en el Amazonas, relaciono a continuación los temas tratados:


EPS is striving for the conservation of physical, social and culture environment of the region. The Society has planned to observe WDMB with zeal and zest. It has to organize a seminar on the occasion. Prominent scholars and environmentalists will participate. Efforts will be made to raise awareness of common people regarding the significance of WDMB.


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