Educational Activity

"asas do tua"

Black Wheatear
Oenanthe leucura
Hard to find, due to their scarcity and inaccessibility of most
places where it occurs, the wheatear is an enigmatic black-bird, one missing many observers currently the wheatear-Black is now a nationally rare species.
Douro Valley in the region of Carrazeda Ansiães, supports the observation
this species ...
Come watch him closely!
We will guide you throughout your booking and natural habitat.
Contact us.

Bird Watching with BANCA

BANCA will have a bird watching trip within Kan Daw Gyi lake with its members. This trip will be for education and fun purposes as well as connecting environmental awareness ideas towards local public.

Osservazione della migrazione dei rapaci

XVII campo di volontariato sulla migrazione dei rapaci nel Parco.
Il campo di volontariato sulla migrazione dei rapaci è giunto alla sua 17° edizione e sarà aperto dal 15 aprile al 31 maggio 2014. Dall’inizio della ricerca sulla migrazione il Parco offre la possibilità a volontari, appassionati o semplice curiosi, di partecipare alla campagna di osservazione che si svolge ogni anno in primavera.
Sotto la supervisione di un esperto i volontari possono avere l’opportunità di seguire centinaia di rapaci e conoscere meglio questi splendidi animali.

Workshop Migrasi Burung di Parahyangan

Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian kegiatan 1. Workshop yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 10 Mei 2014 di Gedung PPSDAL-LPPM Unpad, Sekeloa-Bandung. 2. Kunjungan lapangan/Ekskursi pada hari Minggu tanggal 11 Mei 2014 akan dilakukan di sekitat lokasi kawasan Panaruban, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu atau beberapa lokasi potensial di sekitar Bandung
Kegiatan ini merupakan inisiasi BICONS (Bird Conservation Society) serta BWP (Be Wildlife Photography) dalam mengisi momentum migrasi burung tahun 2014

Observacion de Aves

Estamos Organizando un jornada de Observacion de Aves en el Parque Departamental Lomas de Arena y Area Natural de Manejo Integrado, Dentro de la misma se tiene un total de 285 especies de aves de las cuales muchas son migratorias. El evento esta abierto para la comunidad local.


Llevamos tres años desarrollando el grupo de observadores de aves "Carcajada" en una comunidad de familias desplazadas por nuestro conflicto. Además hemos diseñado un recorrido alrededor de la comunidad que se llama Ecopaseo Carcajada, en el cual tenemos un inventario de las aves en las diferentes épocas del año. Este sábado estaremos realizando el recorrido pero dando nuestro primeros pasos en Inglés.

Conociendo Santay Sitio RAMSAR

Charlas de carácter lúdico e informativos.

Fecha: 10 de mayo de 2014

Increasing capacity for ecotourism in the Darien and Uraba of Colombia

The Darién and Urabá regions in north-western Colombia are major entry and exit points for migratory birds that travel between South and North America. Indeed, the Darién represents a bottleneck in the routes of many species, funneling millions of raptors, swallows and other landbirds through a thin strip of land. We will carry out environmental education in two schools along this route and offer a training course in wildlife guiding in two communities.

Migratory Bird Day in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq

There will be different activities, which will be conducted by conservationists at University of Sulaimani; including: bird waching, photo exhibition on nature and wild life and educational lectures.

Jornée d'obsdervation des oiseaux Migrateurs par les agriculteurs observateurs et association Environnement

Journée d'apprentissage et d'information sur l'observation des oiseaux d'eau au profit des agriculteurs de Chekfa formés comme observateurs amateur ; se sont associer a cet Evénement et à leur demande l'association protection de l'environnement d'El kennar pour la premiere fois pour se former comme observateurs des oiseaux migrateur sachant que leurs region est une zone humide de haute valeur


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