Educational Activity

Flying down the Sluch

Lecture about Bird migration; Watching movies about Bird migration; Banding, of birds; Birdwatching on Sluch floodplain

Día Internacional de las Aves y Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Charlas y video en el Microcine FML
• Nuestras queridas aves
• Las aves migratorias

• Cantos de aves en el ambiente

• Muestra de tipos de huevos, nidos y plumas
• Muestra de tipos de aves
• Pintura de siluetas de aves
• Muestra de alimentación de lechuzas (egagrópilas)
• Aves migratorias

Observación de aves en el Jardín FML
• Avistaje con binoculares y telescopio

Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival

The Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival was established in 1990 by the United States Forest Service. Beginning as a two-day workshop, the festival emphasized research networking. The Copper River Delta Shorebird Unit, comprised of participating researchers, became part of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), a coalition of more than 240 organizations in North and South America whose mission is shorebird conservation.

Sortie pour observation et identification des oiseaux d'eau migrateurs

-Présentation et classification des oiseaux.
-Les oiseaux model et indicateur biologique.
-Les oiseaux d’Algérie.
-les oiseaux migrateurs .

Ptasi Piknik Naukowy / Bird Science Picnic

W roku 2014 Akcja Bałtycka zaprasza w dniach 10-11 maja na Ptasi Piknik Naukowy na plaży Półwyspie Helskim, przed miejscowością Kuźnica, przy wejściu na plażę nr 29. Organizatorem wydarzenia jest Fundacja Akcja Bałtycka.

Taller de elaboración de caretas de flamenco

Acércate al Centro de Visitantes “Las Salinas”, perteneciente a la red internacional ‘Migratory
Birds for People’ y podrás elaborar una divertida careta de flamenco con la que disfrutar “volando” en tus paseos por las Salinas.
Horario: De martes a domingo de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 15:00 a 18:00 h.
Observaciones: actividad sin reserva previa

Turismo & Birdwatching ... area di sosta "I Variconi"

Open Day nell'Area Umida Ramsar e ZPS "I Variconi".
Apertura al pubblico della Stazione Ornitologica de "I Variconi" con dimostrazione e sensibilizzazione sul tema della migrazione e dell'importanza dell'avifauna.
Attività di birdwatching ed inanellamento.
Inaugurazione della segnaletica e cartellonistica predisposta dall'Ente Riserve ai fini turistici.

Marsh Madness

Help us welcome the birds back to the Boreal Forest! Join us for our 6th annual Marsh Madness in celebration of World Migratory Bird Day, Saturday, May 24, at the Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Centre. There will be banding demonstrations, walking tours, children’s activities, and more. More information can be found at or look for Hilliardton Marsh (BWREC) on facebook. Hilliardton Marsh banding station is located halfway between Englehart and Temiskaming Shores off Highway 569, across from Wool Mill Road.

Know Migratory birds Found Around Us

Presentation on Theme of the year to participants, followed by presentation of Check list of Migratory birds found around Our City with Photographs and identification remark, and finally field trip of bird watching in fields for 2 hours.

We also organize Drawing competition of kids in city area.


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