Educational Activity

Surfside Bird Migration Day

Join us for some fun virtual games and contests on Facebook and Instagram @VisitSurfsideBeachTX

We will have lots of educationa links and information on migrating. We have 2 expert video events discussing world migration scheduled. We will have a chilfdren's storytime! We have a couple of Facebbok Live scheduled, a bird photo contest, and a kid's art contest! We also will be hosting a plastics cleanup on the beach!

The 9th Bird Painting Exhibition for Kindergartens

Childern's pictures of birds will be exhibited in Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary Center.

Migration Celebration 2020 at Green Cay Nature Center

Migration Celebration is a FREE event for all ages with a purpose of educating the public, encouraging an appreciation for nature, fostering a respect for wildlife, and of course, have fun! As an official Migratory Bird Day event, we will join hundreds of organizations from around the world exploring the routes of migratory birds, focusing on tracking technologies, and how this knowledge is used to inform conservation. We hope you will join us for guided tours, live animals, exhibitors, face painting, and more!

Phobjkha Wetland Cleaning

An awareness-cum-cleaning campaign on World Migratory Bird Day, in Phobjikha will be conducted on 9th May 2020. A cleaning campaign of the Phobjikha wetland, involving the local community, would not only help in cleaning up the area but would also provide an opportunity to learn about the situation of the wetland due to improper waste management. Participants will be divided into groups of 20-30 and the entire wetland will be divided into patches to be cleaned up by respective groups. At the end of the cleaning campaign the waste collected will be weighed and segregated.

Limpieza del entorno

Campaña de limpieza de la laguna


Huilotl Toxtlan guías comunitarias de los tuxtlas

World Migratory Bird Day at The Cradle of Forestry in America

April and May are bursting with sound and color at Cradle of Forestry in America as many neotropical migrant birds fly to the North Carolina mountains amongst their breeding territories in the northern United States and Canada. The heavily forested mountains provide a key resting and feeding refuge for these migrants.  It is possible to see as many as 25 species of wood warblers on a single day during the peak of spring migration with species such as hooded warblers, worm-eating warblers, black-and-white warblers, northern parulas, many blue-headed vireos and on occasion, one may spot rare

Developing educational programmes for local communities to ensure safeguarding bird diversity in Qeshm Hara Biosphere Reserve

Hara Biosphere Reserve, with an area of about 100,000 hectares, is known as the largest mangrove stand at the NW Indian Ocean. This vast mangrove wetland hosts more than 50 waterbird species, of which some such as the Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) and Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) are categorized as threatened in the IUCN Red-list. Therefore, the wetland has been known as a Marine Important Bird Area (Marine IBA).

World Migratory Bird Day


Students Seminar & Exhibition of "WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY" (VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai, India -

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) & Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Students, Dr.P.Shanmugasundaram., M.Pharm., Ph.D., D.Litt., Director, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of Departments and faculties of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences participated in the "World Migratory Bird Day 2019".

Taller de Reciclaje y Elaboración de Botes de Lata, Una Aproximación a la Niñez en Caleta Los Hornos

Charla Comunitaria para destacar la importancia del reciclaje como buena y necesaria práctica, como aporte a preservar las condiciones medioambientales de la localidad de Caleta Los Hornos, a la vez de cooperar en la calidad de las aguas de playas locales y oceánicas, impidiendo la contaminación por basuras y plásticos. Simultáneamente, se llevará a efecto Taller práctico para rescatar la elaboración de botes de lata. Todo en la Plaza pública de Caleta Los Hornos 


World Migratory Bird Day Celebration.

Specialists of the Centro de Estudios Jardín Botánico of the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, in coordination with the Bird Ecology Group of the University of Havana celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day in the Botanical Garden of Villla Clara, along with the teachers and 26 children of the Marcelo Salado school. We have a brief presentation about migratory birds and plastic pollution, and a practical activity to learn how to help birds and protect them from plastic, different games like coloring bird pages, migratory bird puzzles and plastic related games.


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