Media Event

Birdwatching, awareness raising activities & media event at Loktak Lake

On the occassion of WMBD 2011, the media should be sensitized for WMBD and migratory birds at Imphal. Another part of the programme will be awareness raising activities addressing students and young school children around the peripherial areas of the Loktak Lake, which will be followed by birdwatching activities and a photo competition.

Visits to schools to give talks awareness

Awareness talks about the importance of preserving natural areas as an effective way to protect biodiversity, focusing on migratory birds arriving in Jujuy.

Birds on air

Each week Rénatura is on air to make people aware about biodiversity and the protection of endangered animals. This week the subject will be migratory birds and the dangers of land use change. We will also talk about bird's record and tell some African tales.

Screening of the movie "Winged Migration"

The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, as one of the organizers of World Migratory Bird Day, will screen the movie "Winged Migration". Invited are staff members of the United Nations that are based in the offices in Bonn.

Fête de le Nature

Within the framework of the "Fête de la Nature" organized by the Communauté de Communes du Pays de Stenay and CPIE, the CAREX association will present the various birds specific of the wet zones, the ecological interest of these circles and their interview (maintenance) or arrangement(development) and their indispensable preservation. This day will be organized in the form of a "Rally" in the middle of a territory "NATURA 2000" with all the local participants.

Mauritanie carrefour des oiseaux migrateurs

La Mauritanie, un pays de rencontres:
La Mauritanie est depuis des siècles un carrefour de cultures, point de passage obligatoire des caravanes entre l’Afrique et la Méditerranée, croisement d’influences paléarctiques et afro-tropicales. Les zones humides mauritaniennes sont les premières à accueillir les oiseaux migrateurs du Nord en automne, qui se mélangent pendant l’hiver avec des oiseaux d'origines tropicales qui réalisent eux aussi des migrations régionales Sud - Nord.

World Migratory Day in Jordan

JSSD is celebrating WMBD with two events:

  • production of a poster and distribution of the poster to schools all over Jordan;
  • Live TV episode on migratory birds world wide and Jordan in particular.

Learn about Migratory Birds in Palau!

The Palau Conservation Society will highlight migratory birds on its weekend television news segment.
On Tuesday, May 17, the Palau Conservation Society and the Belau National Museum will host a morning birdwatching tour at Long Island, Koror.

Mencion de las aves migratorias

Mención de evento de las aves migratoriasThe event was a talk on migratory species in the course of a radio program “Tiempo Futuro” (Universidad Tecnólogica Nacional) , which usually deals with environmental issues and natural resources.


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