Bird Camp

World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

There will be activities all around Kosovo with a main event in Prishtina, the capital of our country. In cooperation with the Environmental Ministry of Kosovo and other NGO Environmental Organizations there a meeting in Prishtina will be organised in the centre of the city. This includes a photo exhibition, organized by "Finch" at AUK (American University of Kosova) as well as birdwatching activities at the outscirts of the city.

The second day will also offer birdwatching experiences at Dragashi Municipality, trying to find migratory birds that breed at a famous lake of Brezne.

WMBD 2011 celebrations in the United Republic of Tanzania

On both days East African Outdoor Adventures will implement Birdwatching activities and will teach participants about birds. The event will take place in two separate areas to cover as many bird species as possible and to show the diversity of birds. The two areas chosen, have different land use status. Makuyuni lies next to Manyara Ranch/ Wildlife corridor area while Kitefu is a village with scattered settlements, located south west of Mt Meru and north west of Mt Kilimanjaro. The vegetation covered in the two sites differs a lot.

Celebra con SEO/BirdLife el WMBD 2011 - Celebrate WMBD 2011 with SEO/BirdLife

Puntos de observación de aves en espacios naturales y otras actividades: cursos, maratón ornitológico, feria y festival.

Spots for bird watching in natural areas and other activities: bird courses, ornithological marathon, exhibition and festivals.

Jornadas Sobre el Uso de las Tierras a Vista de Pajaro - Workshops on Land Use from a Bird's-eye View

Realización de charlas de concientización en escuelas, colegios e Instituciones educativas de la provincia de Mendoza.
Salidas a terreno para identificar sitios modificados por el ser humano que tienen efecto directo sobre las poblaciones de aves migratorias. Jornada junto a estudiantes con la finalidad de toma de conciencia. Realización de folletería referente a la temática.
Clases públicas de concientización dirigida a todo público, en todo el territorio de la provincia de Mendoza.

Birds - Friends of fishermen

Green habitat is an organisation for the conservation of biodiversity in Chavakkad Thaluk in the area of Kerala, India. Every October migratory birds visit the Pavaratty mangrove area and the area of Chavakkad Beach and Enammakal Kole land.
This year we will conduct a workshop for school children in those areas and a bird watching camp for fishermen.

Alla scoperta degli uccelli migratori: sessione di censimento aperta al pubblico e visita guidata

La Riserva Naturale Ripa Bianca di Jesi celebrerà Sabato 14 maggio dalle ore 08.00 alle ore 12.00 la giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori attraverso una sessione di censimento tramite inanellamento dei passeriformi e una visita guidata alle aree umide sulla tematica delle migrazioni. La manifestazione viene realizzata dalla stazione ornitologica della Riserva e condotta con la collaborazione degli esperti dell’Associzione A.R.C.A.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

En la ciudad de san José del Guaviare (Colombia) ubicada con coordenadas Geográficas 2°34′15″N 72°38′25″O, el día ocho de abril del presente año se realizaron actividades correspondiente al Día mundial de las aves migratorias. Diferentes instituciones académicas, corporaciones ambientales y gubernamentales presentes en la ciudad realizaron charlas sobre Aves migratorias y efectos de la deforestación en el Amazonas, relaciono a continuación los temas tratados:

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years KuzeyDoga Society will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in northeastern Turkey. Aras valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa. KuzeyDoga Society has been ringing birds in this valley since 2006 and the data we have collected how Aras valley is important for bird migration due to the individuals we retrapped.

Prenuptial Bird Migration Suirvey Camp

Since 1986, a long-term survey of the prenuptial bird migration is lead at the top of the Medoc peninsula near Bordeaux. Each day and during the whole journey, birds are counted by professionnals and volunteers. You are welcome to particpate or simply enjoy the show. About 400.000 birds of 150 sepcies can be seen.


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