
Wetlands as the last shelter for migratory birds

Students from the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Ecology Unit will arrange a field trip to Mallaha wetland in Tripoli. Some activities will be organized such as; birdwatching and lecture on the importance of wetlands as the last shelter for waterbirds.

Gökotta exkursion

Early morning excursion from the visitor center naturum Tåkern, along the wooden foot-bridge to Svanshals udde. We listen to the bird choir and try to spot different species typical for the meadows and reed of lake Tåkern. Can we hear the cuckoo?

Comemorações do Dia Mundial das Aves Migratórias – Rota do Estuário do Tejo

O tema para 2014 será ligado ao tema do turismo e aves migratórias, concentrando-se na observação da vida selvagem e no turismo sustentável como um veículo para a conservação de aves migratórias e seus habitats.
Um dos objetivos deste ano envolve a promoção de produtos turísticos inovadores junto principais rotas migratórias do mundo.
Para as aves, o estuário do Tejo é uma autêntica “estação de serviço” durante as suas passagens migratórias, constituindo um ótimo local de repouso e alimentação.

World Migratory Soaring Birds Day

Bird Watching in IBA in Palestine+ a Workshop to relate the MSB with Tourism

flyway destination: Migratory Birds and Tourism

The event, which is supported by the migratory Soaring bird Project, will take two days: The first day is bird watching at the Sunot Bird Protected Area, which lies in the White Nile in the Khartoum State. The bird watching will be carried out early in the morning around 7:00 am. Stake holders will be informed about the types of migratory birds, the role they play in maintaining ecosystems and controlling pest, their recreational and economical values. Emphasis will be placed on the Migratory Soaring Birds (MSB) contests will be arranged among the stakeholders to identify the MSB.

Promoting Local Communities Protection to Save Migratory Birds

To celebrate WMBD 2014, Biodiversity Society would like to promote the involvement of local communities in protecting migratory birds from poaching. This celebration is consist of:
1. Migratory Birdwatching
2. Campaign Activity
3. Environment Education

Save Migratory Birds and Habitats

migratory birds are indicators of a healthy environment

Ichkeul Bird

There are many unique and fantastic and bird species in and around the area north
and west. Exotic to native birds, some of which live nowhere else on earth, there is something
for all bird lovers. Visit a bird sanctuary park Ichkeul or join a birding trip and observe many
species of fantastic birds in their natural habitat.
With over 370 species recorded to date and new species being added to the country
list regularly, Tunisia is one of the most exciting and least known birding locations in the world.

Birdwatching & Photography

To celebrate WMBD 2014, TPCC would like to promote publics in protecting birds from poaching and other illegal activities. For this, events will be;
1. Birdwatching at Ukkadam big tank
2. Public campaign around Ukkadam
3. Poster distribution


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