Media Event

Ministerial Press Conference and a Big birding expedition

The Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities will address the media at the Uganda Media Centre and there after a team of people from the Ministry, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Nature Uganda, Uganda Tourism Board, Uganda Wildlife Conservation Society and other Institutions will travel to join the community members around Lake Munyanyange near Queen Elizabeth National Park (a migratory birds habitat) for a birding expedition and community awareness event to commemorate the WMBD.

Turismo & Birdwatching ... area di sosta "I Variconi"

Open Day nell'Area Umida Ramsar e ZPS "I Variconi".
Apertura al pubblico della Stazione Ornitologica de "I Variconi" con dimostrazione e sensibilizzazione sul tema della migrazione e dell'importanza dell'avifauna.
Attività di birdwatching ed inanellamento.
Inaugurazione della segnaletica e cartellonistica predisposta dall'Ente Riserve ai fini turistici.

L' Oasis de Gabès le dernier escale des oiseaux migrateurs après le grand désert ver l'Europe / The Oasis Gabes last stopover for migratory birds after the great desert worm Europe

L' Oasis de Gabès le dernier escale des oiseaux migrateurs après le grand désert ver l'Europe
1- tournée à bicyclettes à traver le circuit touristique dans les oasis de Gabès et Cheneni jusqu'à Rass el Oued.
2- journée ouverte avec les scout de la région :
- Projection et discussion d'un film sur la migration des oiseaux
- Concour de dessin sur le thème de la journée
3- organisation d'une conférance dans le local de l'association sur le thème « Les voies de migration des oiseaux : destinations touristiques »

Journées ecotouristiques d'observation des oiseaux migrateurs

Il s'agit dans un premier temps d'animer des séances de sensibilisation en milieu scolaire sur les oiseaux migrateurs et la journée qui leurs sont dédiées.
Ensuite, en réseau avec les autres acteurs (groupes de scolaires de divers établissements de Niamey et de Tillaberi, Ministère en charge de l'environnement, Ministère en charge du tourisme, les Organisations Non Gouvernementales membre du REDD/Niger, les medias, etc.) initier une excursion en direction de sites RAMSAR de la région de Tillaberi pour des séances d'identification, de photos et de vison des oiseaux migrateurs.

"Let's make the footsteps specimen of duck!"

Find the footprints, such as ducks and wild birds into the reserve, and create a footprint specimen is poured gypsum.

Baringin Sati on Watch

To increase resident's interest, concern and ecotourism, and to decrease resident's complaints about a big colony of Egrets and Heron in Baringin Sati Sanctuary of West Sumatera, we will hold a birdwatching, photography competition, and poster competition. Birdwatching will hold at two places, in Cindua Mato square and rice fields in Minangkabau villages.

Baringin Sati on Watch

To increase resident's interest, concern and ecotourism, and to decrease resident's complaints about a big colony of Egrets and Heron in Baringin Sati Sanctuary of West Sumatera, we will hold a birdwatching, photography competition, and poster competition. Birdwatching will hold at two places, in Cindua Mato square and rice fields in Minangkabau villages.

Media Coverage

Educational Activity & Press release about the event

Migratory birds fly through the Gobi Desert

During the bird migration period, number of birds fly through the wide dry landscape. There are very few places where birds can land and rest at them during their harsh and long journeys. Protecting those important places is essential for conservation of migratory birds. Raising awareness and knowledge of local people, especially children, is very important in the country.

WMBD 2014

Painting contest for children
Lectures for children at several schools
Exposition 28/4 to 11/05
Birdwatching 10-11 may
Publications on local newspapers
Educational activities for children 11may


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