
Celebrando el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Por la mañana del 11 se realizará un taller para niños denominado "Picos y Patas" que muestra las características generales de las aves y su importancia. Por la tarde se tendrá una exposición sobre los seis años de WMBD y el tema de este año a través de paneles explicativos, además se hablará sobre el tráfico de aves y sus consecuencias. Finalmente el 12 en la mañana se observará aves de la laguna Alalay, una laguna urbana que recibe a diversas aves migrantes.

Migratory Bird Festival 2013

A day-long festival organized jointly by the Department of Zoology and the Nature Study & Conservation Club of Jagannath University and IUCN Bangladesh Country office at the Jagannath University Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Bird Club will provide the technical support and the Prokriti O Jibon Foundation (Channel i) will be the media partner for this event.

Día Mundial de las aves migratorias

Mediante el presente la Dirección Provincial del Ambiente de Imbabura, pone en su conocimiento lo solicitado con Memorando Nro. MAE-CGZ4-DPAM-2013-0494 de fecha, 09 de abril de 2013, " CREANDO REDES PARA CONSERVAR LAS AVES MIGRATORIAS":

World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day will be jointly organised by FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT CENTRE & KAINAT FOUNDATION,Doha-Qatar by involving youth and students.
The activities will include a conference on Migratory Birds, painting competitions, bird watching, camp and lecture by experts on Birds in Qatar followed by cultural events on Migratory Birds.

Wings Over Weston

Come and enjoy a day of fun and learning about birds and their migration at Wings Over Weston on Saturday, May 11th, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Activities will include: live bird presentations, guided bird hikes, live music from the Bluegrass Tornadoes, a native plant sale, children's games, crafts, and activities, and much more! Event activities will be held at the open shelter and surrounding areas at Weston Bend State Park, located at 16600 Highway 45 North in Weston, MO 64098.

Evergreen Haven For Migratory Birds

Biodiversity Society celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2013 by conducting several activities in Banyumas Regency such as:
1. Birdwatching
2. Publishing awareness materials (stickers)
3. Bird Camps
4. School Visit

Those activities will be conducted during May 10 - 31, 2013.

Bineshiyag n' ganawaabmaanaanig! "We watch the birds!" Bird Day Celebration

Our second annual celebration of migratory birds with presentations on birding by ear, falconry, and Anishinabe storytelling; displays of native bird nests and taxidermied mounts, gardening for birds, and bird feeding; a bird banding station; kids' crafts and more.

"la'uf im ma'aof" - Fly with vision

Bird watching, guided observations in hotspots at Eilat Birdwatching Park, birds ringigng, story tellers, family activities, release of rehabilitated birds at the Israeli Wildlife Hospital, media events and more.

Sonadia Island awareness campaign

Large scale awareness raising campaign on Sonadia Island - the second most important wintering site of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper and many other threatened shorebirds. The campaign will include school visits by ex-hunters, who used to be hunters but now with alternative livelihood support they are protecting shorebirds and participating in various bird conservation activities.


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