
Día Mundial de Aves Migratorias

The event was a workshop about the importance of conservation and protection of migratory birds and their habitat. Additionally, we taught about basic technics to identify marine migratory birds. The event took place in a Marine protected Area "The Pelado". We gave the workshop for young volunteers at the Valdivia Aquarium.

Evento de las Aves Internacionales

A collaborative event with the community members of Santa Maria de los Cocos. The day will be filled with bird related activities, crafts, workshops, and entertainment to celebrate our migratory birds and the military macaw. CONANP's ECOCHAVOS will be leading an entertainment and educational activity.


-Casa Abierta sobre las Rutas de Aviturismo en el Parque Nacional Machalilla y sus alrededores.
- Presentación de danzas, teatro y títeres alusivos a las aves del Parque Nacional Machalilla, Reserva Ayampe y Reserva La Esmeraldas
- Concurso y exposiciones de cuadros hechos con elementos reciclados con la tematica "Mi ave Migratoria Favorita"
Conferencias dictadas por los especialistas Francisco Sornoza y Benito Ben Hasse

Las Aves Migratorias y nuestros Zoológicos

Presentación de obra de títeres para los visitantes, proyección de videos, Dibujando las aves

Raptor Watch

RW, organised by the Malaysian Nature Society, is a festival to celebrate the return of the migratory birds of prey or better known as raptors on their journey back to their breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere. RW is a public event meant to raise awareness on the conservation of raptors and their habitats. This is an annual event celebrated every year in the month of March. Raptor Watch for 2014 was celebrated 8 & 9 March 2014.

Aves migratorias de Cochabamba

El día 10 de mayo desarrollaremos un taller acerca de la observación de aves en nuestra ciudad, el objetivo es mostrar las oportunidades y potencialidades que la ciudad de Cochabamba presenta para realizar esta actividad. Además presentaremos rutas importantes dentro la ciudad para observar aves como inicio de la iniciativa "Turismo científico en la ciudad". Finalmente El día 11 de mayo visitaremos la laguna Alalay para observar aves.

Nature Iraq 10th Anniversary

As part of Nature Iraq's 10th Anniversary Festival, we will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day by conducting birdwatching trips, displaying a photo exhibition, and holding an educational event for children.

Baringo Migratory Bird Flyway

Planned activities are: bird watching, lectures, excursions, displaying and selling bird equipment

Día Mundial de las Aves y Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias

Dia Mundial Aves Migratorias - Tucuman Argentina
9 de mayo de 2014
Organizado por
80 Alumnos (Burruyacú).
Coordinado: Lic. Ana Levi y Dra. Ada Echevarria
Disertantes: Dra. Ada Echevarria, Mgter. María Elisa Fanjul, Lics. María Valeria Martínez y Mariana Orce; Sres. Gonzalo Matías Salas y Ramiro Eugenio Saleme Klyver. Colaboración de Guías y Jardineros del Jardín Botánico de la FML.

Wolrd Migratory Bird Day

The event started with a nature walk to Lake Munyanyange where 12 Afro-tropical and 5 Palearctic migrants were recorded. This was followed by an exercise dubbed “Keep Katwe Clean” which aimed at raising awareness on solid waste management as a means of maintaining the integrity sites of migratory birds.
Lakes Munyanyange and Katwe, found in Katwe town council are bird migration stopovers in Uganda and present a unique opportunity to watch different migratory birds such as the Lesser Flamingo, Lesser-black-backed Gulls and Pied Avocets among others.


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