Educational Activity

World Migratory Bird Day

Day one - 10th May: The evolution of Birds Day two - 11th May: Migration of Birds From 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Free entry

Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias en Elche

Las actividades programadas en el Paraje Natural Municipal del Clot de Galvany (Elche), designado por la Unión Europea como Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA), giran en torno a la importancia de este tipo de aves y a su presencia en el paraje, para lo cual se han preparado unas visitas guiadas por nuestros monitores y unas charlas que acercarán a todos los públicos a un mejor conocimiento de estas aves y de sus rutas migratorias, así como del papel fundamental que representa la conservación de parajes como el Clot de Galvany para garantizar su supervivencia.

Story-telling through photography: Why Variconi SPA is important for spring migrants?

Variconi is a Special Protected Area (according with EU Birds Directive) and an international Ramsar Area, since its role for bird migration. We organize a photographic workshop about telling a story by means of photography. Participants will be invited to describe why they think Variconi SPA is important for migrant birds, by using 5 photographs they will take on the field on 11 May 2013. Participants will be guided by members of the regional section of AFNI (Associazione Fotografi Naturalisti Italiani). The work will be published on the web site of the project “Biodoversita2020”.

Pacific Spirit Park Bird Walk - 8:30 am – Nature Vancouver

Join Julian Hudson to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Akcja Bałtycka – obrączkowanie migrantów na wybrzeżu Bałtyku/Operation Baltic – ringing of spring migrants at the Baltic Sea coast

Obrączkowanie migrujących ptaków dostarcza informacji o trendach ich liczebności, trasach i terminach wędrówek, ich kondycji w czasie migracji, które mogą posłużyć do monitoringu i ochrony wędrownych ptaków. Jak co roku od ponad 50 lat, i tej wiosny będziemy obrączkować ptaki na naszych dwóch stacjach na polskim wybrzeżu – Hel i Bukowo. W czasie World Migratory Bird Day – 11 maja 2013 – zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszych stacji terenowych, do bliskiego kontaktu z wędrującymi ptakami, przyjrzenia się obrączkowaniu i wspólnych obserwacji ptaków, z pomocą doświadczonych ornitologów.

Pacific Spirit Park Bird Walk - 9:30 am - Bird Studies Canada

Join Christopher Di Corrado of Bird Studies Canada to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Jericho Park Bird Walk –10am – Nature Vancouver

Join Adrian Grant-Duff to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Everett Crowley Park Bird Walk –10am – Nature Vancouver

Join Bill Kinkaid to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Queen Elizabeth Park Bird Walk – 8am & 10am – Nature Vancouver

Meet at the specified location at both 8am & 10am and join Jeremiah Kennedy to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Bird Friendly Energy in Egypt

In light of this year's theme for WMBD 2013, we are networking conservationists with the renewable energies sector in Egypt. A trip is being organized for employees of the wind energy sector in Egypt in order to promote soaring birds concerns in their field of work. They will be taken out to a bottleneck site (Ein El Sokhna, Gulf of Suez) for birdwatching, then a field visit to a nearby wind farm, followed by a short seminar/workshop on wind energy and MSB conservation. Note that this date was chosen because it better suites the peak of migration in Egypt.


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