World Migratory Bird Day newsletter

World Migratory Bird Day newsletter categories


Special postal cancellation with the BEKASSINE - migratory Bird of the year 2013 in Germany and NABU special presentation


- conférence de presse
- visite de terrain
- découverte pour les écoles
- exposition


Conférence de presse
Découverte de l'oiseau par les écoles
Visite de site

World Migratory Bird Day,2014

Sensitization workshop on Migratory Birds of Satkosia Tiger Reserve (Important Bird Area)

World Migratory Bird Day

23.04.2014- LEPA Tulcea has organised a birdwatching activity together with School's No.5 Kindergarden of Tulcea. The activity took place in the Celic Dere Forest. The children had also set houses for the birds on the trees.
08.05.2014- birdwatching activity on Bestepe Hills Reserve
09.05.2014- themed painting exhibition

Awareness Campaign to Protect Migratory Birds for Future Generations

Hunter of the area have been invited to the event, wherein different speakers will talk to them about the protection of migratory birds. The speakers will educate the participants that what steps are required to be taken to do hunting in a way that the different species of birds may not be endangered.

IBAs conservation and tourism

WMBD 2014 will be celebrated in 4 regions of Uzbekistan by initiative of members and volunteers of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB). Main activities will take place on IBA "Dalverzin hunting-management area" in the framework of the project "Developing mechanisms for conservation of main ecosystems of Uzbekistan". Stakeholders together with staff of the territory will place information board about value of the site for tourists, hunters and visitors.

Celebrating Bird Migration in Lake Karla

The World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated in the Natura 2000 wetland of Lake Karla, a wetland of great importance for migrating, wintering and breeding waterbirds, waders, raptors and species associated with open habitats.
A special event will take place in the city of Volos with presentations for the birds and other wildlife that hosts Lake Karla (Saturday, 19:00-21:00).
On Sunday, a daily birdwatching tour will be organised in Lake Karla (10:30-12:30).

Migratory Bird Photo Contest

It is a Photo Contest featuring Migratory Birds for our almost 7 thousand online members.


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