World Migratory Bird Day newsletter

World Migratory Bird Day newsletter categories

Awareness Campaign to Protect Migratory Birds for Future Generations

Hunter of the area have been invited to the event, wherein different speakers will talk to them about the protection of migratory birds. The speakers will educate the participants that what steps are required to be taken to do hunting in a way that the different species of birds may not be endangered.

IBAs conservation and tourism

WMBD 2014 will be celebrated in 4 regions of Uzbekistan by initiative of members and volunteers of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB). Main activities will take place on IBA "Dalverzin hunting-management area" in the framework of the project "Developing mechanisms for conservation of main ecosystems of Uzbekistan". Stakeholders together with staff of the territory will place information board about value of the site for tourists, hunters and visitors.

Celebrating Bird Migration in Lake Karla

The World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated in the Natura 2000 wetland of Lake Karla, a wetland of great importance for migrating, wintering and breeding waterbirds, waders, raptors and species associated with open habitats.
A special event will take place in the city of Volos with presentations for the birds and other wildlife that hosts Lake Karla (Saturday, 19:00-21:00).
On Sunday, a daily birdwatching tour will be organised in Lake Karla (10:30-12:30).

Migratory Bird Photo Contest

It is a Photo Contest featuring Migratory Birds for our almost 7 thousand online members.

Body paint & photographic expo

The Body paint is going to start at 16hrs and the photographic expo at 20hrs

Day of Migratory Birds

Birding, tree planting, cleaning and renovation the Headquerters and Stationary camp, attendees will sing songs and read poems, video "Wing migration" with participation Friends of Muraviovkpa Park - school children and teachers, university students, retired people, and mass media May 8-10

Long Tern Bird Survey at Chi-gu, Tainan, Taiwan

BFSA initiated the volunteer program in 2004 for non-scientists to take part in monitoring birds at Chi-gu, where is a place for migratory birds to winter and stop over.
We had kept holding the survey twice a month for almost ten years. Look forward your participating with us this season!

Workshop Migrasi Burung di Parahyangan

Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian kegiatan 1. Workshop yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 10 Mei 2014 di Gedung PPSDAL-LPPM Unpad, Sekeloa-Bandung. 2. Kunjungan lapangan/Ekskursi pada hari Minggu tanggal 11 Mei 2014 akan dilakukan di sekitat lokasi kawasan Panaruban, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu atau beberapa lokasi potensial di sekitar Bandung
Kegiatan ini merupakan inisiasi BICONS (Bird Conservation Society) serta BWP (Be Wildlife Photography) dalam mengisi momentum migrasi burung tahun 2014

Burns Bog Conservation Society ezine

The Burns Bog Conservation Society sent out its monthly ezine reminding people of World Migratory Bird Day. We are looking to see what we can do next year that is a little more exciting.

Aves Migratorias en la provincia de Imbabura

En atención al pedido presentado a la Dirección Provincial del Ambiente de Imbabura, del Ministerio del Ambiente, me permito indicarle que se realizaran eventos de sensibilización en instituciones educativas y comunidades en los sitios frecuentados por las aves migratorias, recorridos de campo con estudiantes de las Universidades de la Provincia, donde participaran Instituciones Públicas y Privadas, Gobiernos Locales, Provinciales y Parroquiales, ruedas de prensa para promover el evento.


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