Educational Activity

Drawing competition on the subject of migratory birds

Dr.K.Suresh, President of the Osmania Medical College Doctors' Forum will release a poster on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day and will announce the drawing competition on the subject of migratory birds for children at Hyderabad. Ms T. Pratusha, co-ordinator of the programme will also be present.

World Migratory Bird Day Proclamation

Mayor Robertson's WMBD proclamation on behalf of the City of Vancouver to declare May 15 WMBD will be read by city officials at a ceremony with brief speeches from Bird Studies Canada at 9 am. A birdwalk to see the migration in full swing will follow.

Celebrate Urban Birds

Join us for our free hours 5pm- 7:30pm for activities celebrating the amazing journeys our bird buddies have made to be with us here in New York City. The Cornell University Cooperative Extension will lead games and bird watching activities, while we also host a screening of "Winged Migration." Fly, waddle and soar over all seven continents to find out more about how and why birds travel long distances.

Nomads Over Us

Birdwatchig and educating tour with children in the Novoknezevacki fishpond.

The Birding Cup of Moscow

The Birding Cup of Moscow is a birdwatching competition coordinated by NP "Birds and People" and is being implemented twice a year since 2010. This year 7 divisions of Moscow government-subordinated protected areas are involved in the organization of the Cup. The event is sponsored by the Moscow State Department of Natural Resources and Enviroment Protection.

Ornithologische Frühexkursion - Early ornithological excursion

  • Vogelstimmenkunde
  • Hinweise auf die negativen Entwicklungen in der Agarlandschaft und die Auswirkungen auf die Vogelwelt
  • Erklärungen zum Vogelzug
  • Verweis auf den World Migratory Bird Day

Treffpunkt: Hof Struck, Isingdorfer Weg 8
33824 Werther /Westf.
Beginn: 6.00 Uhr

World Migratory Bird Day in North Sumatra

In order to celebrate the world's migratory birds, Biopalas-USU (Biology, Nature Lovers and Life Environmental Studies University of North Sumatra) conducted observations of migrant birds at several locations at the east coast of North Sumatra and the results will be discussed in general with biology students of the University of North Sumatra.

Celebrando a las Aves - Celebrating the birds

Realización de talleres ambientales, platicas, en el área natural Protegida Parque Kabah.
Dirección de Ecologia is organizing a WMBD event at av, Tulum colonia centro on 12 May. The event will include several environmental workshops and lectures. All of them will take place in the Parque Kabah Protected Area.

Birdsong workshop

The aim of the workshop is to learn to identify birds by song and call. The focus will be on warblers and migratory birds, and the threats to migratory birds will be highlighted.

Warbler identification

The workshop aims at helping participants to identify warblers by voice and plumage and learn about the threats to them, as examples for migratory birds. The workshop will start with an indoor session where we will listen to warbler songs and calls and look at key warbler features, to be followed by a walk testing our skills in the field.


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