
LIFE LAGO SALSO: "Birdwatching & mitigation of impacts on power lines"

Il Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS e la Società Oasi Lago Salso di Manfredonia, aderiscono alla giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori, presso l'Oasi il giorno 10 maggio 2015, con l'intento di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica verso questo importante fenomeno fondamentale per la tutela e la conservazione degli uccelli. L’iniziativa si inserisce, inoltre, nell´ambito delle attività di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione previste dal progetto LIFE+ 2007 - “Azioni di conservazione per l´avifauna prioritaria dell´Oasi Lago Salso” 

Birdwatching and ringing of birds

At the most southern point of Scandinavia Gedser bird observatory and ringing station (aka GFU) we will undertake bird migration watch (aka "vis mig" [visual migration watch]). Also, as part of the standard bird-monitoring programme at GFU there will also be the usual five hours of mist netting and ringing of birds.

We are happy to be part of this event - however we can only participate in the vis mig part on the 9th of May however, as ringing is part of the program at GFU that will also happen during the following days.


World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in Igdir, northeastern Turkey. Aras Valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa.

Laguna di Orbetello (GR)

Starting at 9:30 am tours in the national nature reserve with experts will guide visitors along the nature trails, through the fields, pastures and down to the lagoon to observe the birds. Ornithologists will be there to aid in monitoring (particularly for the collection of ringing data from flamingoes) and illustrate scientific monitoring techniques for migratory birds.

Lago di Burano

Starting at 10 am guided visits along the trails of the Lago di Burano nature reserve (Tuscany) to discover with expert guides the birds of the reserve. Walking through the mediterranean scrubland visitors will reach the sand dunes and beach to continue bird observations.  Visitors will also be introduced to bird ringing and the tecniques used for research and bird conservation.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration 2015

Nature Iraq Organization, through its "Jensen Project for the Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Iraqi Central Marshes" together with BirdLife International, will celebrate this year's WMBD in the Central Marshes as the area is one of the most important wetland in the Middle East and the globe that receives many migratory and threatened bird species and is within the flyways of many global birds.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias. Disfrutamos de los pájaros para siempre

Ven a conocer el esfuerzo que hacen las aves migratorias cada año para llegar a nuestro hogar, con charlas, presentaciónes, juegos, manualidades y mas... Para toda la familia

Vine a conèixer l'esforç que fan les aus migratòries cada any per arribar a la nostra llar, amb xerrades, presentacions, jocs, manualitats i mes ... Per a tota la família

Come and find out how much effort migratory birds put in to getting to our home every year, with talks, presentations, games, cratfs and more... For all the family

Edukasi dan Pengamatan Burung Migrasi

Edukasi dan pengamatan burung migrasi di bima merupakan kali kedua dilaksanakan oleh anggota sindikat fotografer wildlife bima-dompu yang di dukung oleh alphharian regional bima - dompu, dimana dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat sekitar bisa menjaga satwa yang migrasi dan diharapkan kepada peserta yang ikut bisa berkelanjutan dan mengenal satwa-satwa pantai yang ada.



The activity that we will perform is in a National Park in Colombia (PARQUE NACIONAL NEVADO DEL HUILA). In the indigenous communities the provided material will support learning activities and underpin the importance of the park's ecosystem and habitat of present migratory species. It will help to understand the patterns of migration and shaping records based on observations on field trips to areas of forests. We will conduct workshops, birdwatching, drawing birds and recordings of bird songs.


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